

python Programming Glossary: indented

Python not writing full string to file


open 'out.7.9.12.txt' 'a ' as out # the rest of your code indented under here # .... score_dict Max 245 Note from the flush docs..

Is there a way to convert indentation in Python code to braces?


delimiter and then convert that format into a properly indented representation that the Python interpreter could use python..

Accessing class variables from a list comprehension in the class definition


the whole suite that makes up the class body so everything indented one level deeper than the class name line and executes that..

Python Triple Quote / Multi-line indentation


main method behind the scenes while also having every line indented. The problem is that if a user has a multi line string the indentation..

need to recreate pyramid triangle on Python


improve this question Every statement in a block must be indented by at least one space from the start of the block. The print.. of the block. The print statement in your code is not indented relative to the for block it is contained in which is why you..

Classes within python part 1 [closed]


example you posted The getWeeksPay function needs to be indented so that it is interpreted as a PersonWorker class method versus..

How to Calculate Centroid in python


so you never used the math version. 2 your loop is not indented which means you either pasted incorrectly into StackOverflow.. incorrectly into StackOverflow or your loop is incorrectly indented. Possibly this is what your code actually looks like for j in..

What is the purpose of the colon before a block in Python?


question The colon is there to declare the start of an indented block. Technically it's not necessary you could just indent.. obligatory so any statement that should be followed by indented code ends in a colon. It also allows one liners if you continue..

What is the best Python library module skeleton code?


the complete functionality of this module even with indented code examples. Class Function however should not be documented.. the complete functionality of this module even with indented code examples. Class Function however should not be documented..

How do I autoformat some Python code to be correctly formatted?


I can simply paste a snippet of Python code and have it be indented formatted automatically for me Alternatively is there an X such..

Python: IndentationError: expected an indented block


IndentationError expected an indented block if len trashed_files 0 print No files trashed from current.. 1 I am getting elif index ^ IndentationError expected an indented block python share improve this question Should be pretty..

emacs 23 python.el auto-indent style — can this be configured?


indentation settings. Currently my Python files are auto indented as follows x a_function_with_dict_parameter 'test' 'Here is..

Python style - line continuation with strings?


wonderful stackoverflow people But when the statement is indented a few blocks in this looks weird do stuff and more stuff and..