

python Programming Glossary: indexerror

Matrix Multiplication in python?


i k B k j return C The error that python gives me is this IndexError list index out of range. Now I'm not sure if Xt is recognised..

Weighted random sample in python


1 def __getitem__ self i if not 0 i len self raise IndexError i return self.population bisect.bisect self.cumweights i Example..

`xrange(2**100)` -> OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int


self key if key 0 key self.__len__ key if key 0 raise IndexError list index out of range return self key n self.start self.step.. self.step key if cmp n self.stop cmp 0 self.step raise IndexError list index out of range return n def __reversed__ self return..

sparse assignment list in python


self index try return list.__getitem__ self index except IndexError return None __test__ dict allem ''' l SparseList l l 2 hello..

Starting python debugger automatically on error


solution. If I run a script and I come across let's say an IndexError python prints the line location and quick description of the..

Really simple way to deal with XML in Python?


self name res self._getelem name if res is None raise IndexError No element named ' s' name return res def _getelem self name.. __getattr__ self name if self.doc.getroot .tag name raise IndexError No element named ' s' name return GeeElem self.doc.getroot def..

Multiple Database Config in Django 1.2


'.' try d m 1 if d in connections return d except IndexError pass return None def db_for_write self model hints m model.__module__.split.. '.' try d m 1 if d in connections return d except IndexError pass return None def allow_syncdb self db model Make sure syncdb..

Python if vs try-except


program below. def tryway try while True alist.pop except IndexError pass def ifway while True if alist break else alist.pop if.. tryway alist range 1000 try while True alist.pop except IndexError pass def ifway alist range 1000 while True if alist break else..

How to improve performance of this code?


None closedlist while 1 try f current openlist.get except IndexError current None if current is None print No solution found return..

IndexError: list assignment index out of range


list assignment index out of range Please consider the following.. on Win 7 32 bit is Traceback most recent call last j k l IndexError list assignment index out of range I guess it's something simple..

IronPython: EXE compiled using pyc.py cannot import module “os”


file self.files self.index self.index self.index 1 except IndexError # pop next directory from stack self.directory self.stack.pop..

How to define Two-dimensional array in python


5 5 Matrix 5 5 # Recall 2nd parameter to zeros is the type IndexError list index out of range What is my mistake python arrays ..

SWIG/python array inside structure


self args return _test.intArray40___getitem__ self args IndexError out of bounds access You might also find this approach useful..

Python: simple list merging based on intersections


results.append current try current newsets.pop except IndexError break disjoint 0 sets newsets return results # agf's simple..

Understanding Python's iterator, iterable, and iteration protocols — what exactly are they?


take sequential indexes starting from zero and raises an IndexError when the indexes are no longer valid . So an iterable is an..