

python Programming Glossary: indata

Python frequency detection


data # unpack the data and times by the hamming window indata np.array wave.struct.unpack dh len data swidth data window.. Take the fft and square each value fftData abs np.fft.rfft indata 2 # find the maximum which fftData 1 .argmax 1 # use quadratic..

Learn Python the Hard Way Exercise 17 Extra Question(S)


do these two on one line too how input open from_file indata input.read print The input file is d bytes long len indata print.. indata input.read print The input file is d bytes long len indata print Does the output file exist r exists to_file print Ready.. C to abort. raw_input output open to_file 'w' output.write indata print Alright all done. Zed also writes that he could do the..

Passing Numpy arrays to a C function for input and output


in file ctest.c. #include stdio.h void cfun const void indatav int rowcount int colcount void outdatav void cfun const double.. rowcount int colcount void outdatav void cfun const double indata int rowcount int colcount double outdata const double indata.. int rowcount int colcount double outdata const double indata double indatav double outdata double outdatav int i puts Here..