

python Programming Glossary: index2

Textually diffing JSON


in both # in which case it's set to None btoa None len b index2 for pos line in enumerate b next index.get line if next is not.. b next index.get line if next is not None if line in index2 # unset the previous mapping which we now know to # be invalid.. know to # be invalid because the line isn't unique btoa index2 line None del index line else index2 line pos btoa pos next..

Combining 2 .csv files by common column


this question sort t k index1 file1 sorted1 sort t k index2 file2 sorted2 join t 1 index1 2 index2 a 1 a 2 sorted1 sorted2..

Bottle framework and OOP, using method instead of function


1 self.param s self.param # Doesn't work @app.route 2 def index2 self return I'm 2 # Works fine @app.route 3 def index3 return..