

python Programming Glossary: indicator

Determining what tkinter window is currently on top


I used ttk.Checkbutton with the 'toolbutton' style as an indicator to show whether the option windows are open or closed. The problem..

Import Error. Circular References


there. Typically but not always a circular import is an indicator that you need to rethink or re architect how you're doing things...

Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu?


Update What I'm going for is something akin to Ubuntu's indicator menu date time calendar. python ubuntu gtk pygtk share improve..

Python: Date manipulation code


Python: print a string as hex bytes?


be done python string hex hexadecimal notation ordinal indicator share improve this question Your can transform your string..

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python


quote PEP 8 _single_leading_underscore weak internal use indicator. E.g. from M import does not import objects whose name starts..

How to do background task in gtk3-python?


use gobject.idle_add to tell the GUI that the progress indicator can be withdrawn. gobject.idle_add is about the only GTK function..

Using Windows 7 taskbar features in PyQt


already exists the possibility to use the new progress indicator see here and the quick links www.petri.co.il wp content uploads..

Language detection in python [duplicate]


of text based on their local structure which is a good indicator of the language used. It could also be used within a language..

Changing the selected item colour in a GtkTreeview using python


for high priority you could use red for the selection indicator. Or you could use an icon. To implement this with the colour..

Python Pythonpath Modules install


python manage.py shell Which according to south is a good indicator that it works. Can Do I have to do that for every module Is..

The use of getters and setters for different programming languages [closed]


Django: How to replace/overwrite/update/change a file of FileField?


you want. Indeed you can keep both ProjectFile's with an indicator of which is current . Option 2 is to self.video.open w to open..

urllib2 POST progress monitoring


server side script via POST. I want to display a progress indicator that shows the current upload progress. Is there a hook or a..

Underscore vs Double underscore with variables and methods


From PEP 8 _single_leading_underscore weak internal use indicator. E.g. from M import does not import objects whose name starts..

How to add builtin functions


core language in your day to day work that's probably an indicator you should simply be learning more about it. Python is used..

How to make an unaware datetime timezone aware in python


to support where the date string does not have a timezone indicator. I've already fixed the data source but I still need to support..

Suppress the u'prefix indicating unicode' in python strings


Is there a way to globally suppress the unicode string indicator in python I'm working exclusively with unicode in an application..

Getting realtime output using subprocess


program svnadmin verify that will display a nice progress indicator for the operation. This requires me to be able to see each line..

Difference between “__method__” and “method”


style guide _single_leading_underscore weak internal use indicator. E.g. from M import does not import objects whose name starts..