

python Programming Glossary: indenting

Why does Python pep-8 strongly recommend spaces over tabs for indentation?


right there in the PEP. I quote The most popular way of indenting Python is with spaces only. What other underlying reason do..

What is Python Whitespace and how does it work?


is whitespace in Python I know it's something to do with indenting with each line but I'm not sure exactly how to use it. How does..

Making a Python script Object-Oriented


this tiny code OO and or modular I suggest clarifying the indenting correctness situation applying the enhancements I've proposed..

What is the purpose of the colon before a block in Python?


use. It also makes easier the work of syntax aware auto indenting editors which also counted in the decision. edit This question..

How do I fix wrongly nested / unclosed HTML tags?


you might be fine with losing it. Finally Tidy can also do indenting print tidy.parseString html show_body_only True indent True..

How to configure vim to not put comments at the beginning of lines while editing python files


This changed also fixed the behavior of ' ' and ' ' for indenting visual blocks that include python comments. There are more configuration..

What are the differences between Perl, Python, AWK and sed? [closed]


reaction to Perl. It has some interesting syntactic ideas indenting to indicate levels no braces or equivalents . It is more fundamentally..

What are the important language features (idioms) of Python to learn early on


bool int float string list tuple dict set statements indenting everything is an object basic function definitions Then move..

Is there a way around coding in Python without the tab, indent & whitespace criteria?


Is there maybe an IDE that would take care of the tabs and indenting python share improve this question I'm currently using.. Is there maybe an IDE that would take care of the tabs and indenting I liked pydev extensions of eclipse for that. share improve..

Advice for C# programmer writing Python [closed]


you can't change that. You should avoid using tabs for indenting and choose spaces instead. The equivalent of empty bracelets..