

python Programming Glossary: indents

HOWTO: Fix Python Indentation


Python installation Change Python .py files to use 4 space indents and no hard tab characters. Also trim excess spaces and tabs..

How to print a list in Python “nicely”


there any way to print it nicely into a readable tree with indents python share improve this question from pprint import pprint..

How do I parse indents and dedents with pyparsing?


do I parse indents and dedents with pyparsing Here is a subset of the Python grammar.. 'STRING' # I can't find a good way of parsing indents dedents. # The Grammar just has the tokens NEWLINE INDENT and.. indentedBlock I think you would define suite as indentstack 1 suite indentedBlock stmt indentstack True Note that indentedGrammarExample.py..

Enforce “spaces” or “tabs” only in python files?


called reindent.py which converts .py files to use 4 space indents and no tabs. It is available here but check your distribution..

How can I render a tree structure (recursive) using a django template?


de dents in the template. I think I'd do it by appending indents and dedents to a list while recursing through the tree and then..

multi lines python indentation on emacs


manually inserting spaces or C c since emacs always indents 4 spaces unless Im splitting multiple arguments over multiple..

Python : How to Pretty print html into a file


what it says it does. It prettifies the HTML with proper indents and everything. BeautifulSoup will NOT fix the HTML so broken..

Correct Style for Python Line breaks


I changed the indentation because that's how my editor indents it automatically. I just looked through PEP 8 and it looks like..