

python Programming Glossary: indexed

Multiple keys per value


the same dictionary value But I am not looking for ordered indexed dictionary and I am looking for other efficient solutions if..

Scanning huge tables with SQLAlchemy using the ORM


I created a huge table containing my pictures archive indexed by SHA1 hashes to remove duplicates . Which was impressingly..

Parse dates when YYYYMMDD and HH are in separate columns using pandas in Python


read it using pandas read_csv and have it in a dataframe indexed by the datetime. So far I've tried to implement the following..

Selecting rows from a Pandas dataframe with a compound (hierarchical) index


'group2' df looks as we would expect If df were not indexed on group1 I could do the following df 'group1' 'a' But that..

Representing and solving a maze given an image


cubic bezier curves. With a list array of boolean values indexed by integers the curves would not transfer easily and all the..

Maximum sum sublist?


this can't be beat Define A to be the input array zero indexed and B i to be the maximum sum over all sublists ending at but..

HDF5 and SQLite. Concurrency, compression & I/O performance [closed]


a nice picture and since PyTables 2.3 the queries are now indexed so perf actually is MUCH better than this So to answer your..

Django: Arbitrary number of unnamed urls.py parameters


def view request match pieces match.split ' ' # even indexed pieces are the names odd are values ... No promises about the..

Hashable, immutable


SO question see Create a dictionary in python which is indexed by lists I realized I probably had a wrong conception of the..

What are “named tuples” in Python?


named tuples before and I thought elements could either be indexed by numbers like in tuples and lists or by keys like in dicts.. or by keys like in dicts . I never expected they could be indexed both ways. Thus my questions are What are named tuples How to..

Weighted random selection with and without replacement


set of equal sized bins for the weighted list that can be indexed very efficiently through bit operations to avoid a binary search...

Suggestions for a Cron like scheduler in Python?


A few things to note Python's weekdays months are zero indexed unlike cron and that range excludes the last element hence syntax..

Python group by


'ETH' I want to group them by their type by the 1st indexed string as such result type 'KAT' items '11013331' '9843236'..

In Python, how do I read the exif data for an image?


exif_data img._getexif This should give you a dictionary indexed by EXIF numeric tags. If you want the dictionary indexed by.. indexed by EXIF numeric tags. If you want the dictionary indexed by the actual EXIF tag name strings try something like exif..

What's exactly happening in infinite nested lists?


does is a pulls up memory object #1001 which is a pile of indexed references and it goes to the reference with index 0 previously..

Django dynamic model fields


name 'something' .data 'a' '1' You can issue indexed queries against hstore fields # equivalence Something.objects.filter..

Find the index of the n'th item in a list


the n'th true If I wanted the fifth occurrence 4th if zero indexed the answer is 10. I've come up with indargs i for i a in enumerate..

selecting across multiple columns with python pandas?


a csv file. The dataframe has several columns and it is indexed by one of the columns which is unique in that each row has a..