

python Programming Glossary: incur

Migrating Django Application to Google App Engine?


other options. I wondered what kind of penalty I will incur if I develop a complete Django application assuming it runs..

Python - Lazy loading of class attributes


until it is accessed. Further accesses to bar should incur no overhead. class Foo object def get_bar self print initializing..

In Python, how do I loop through the dictionary and change the value if it equals something?


a different value at a given existing index does not incur any problem so in Python 2.any it's better to use iteritems..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


and so on. Just to make sure Python's threading will not incur a huge amount of inefficiency I do a quick benchmark to spawn..

check if all elements in a list are identical


False otherwise. Performance of course I prefer not to incur any unnecessary overhead. I feel it would be best to iterate..

Is there something wrong with this python code, why does it run so slow compared to ruby?


this iteratively are better for python since they do not incur the function call overhead recursion does. My assumption about..

LBYL vs EAFP in Java?


since you raised the issue yes the try catch block does incur some overhead even if the exception is not thrown. share improve..

Flattening a shallow list in Python


items into the list that's being extended. chain will only incur this same overhead if you run list chain at the end. Meta Edit..

Reading Command Line Arguments of Another Process (Win32 C code)


approach but given the only other solution seems to be to incur the overhead of a WMI query I think we'll take this approach..

Are Python inner functions compiled?


single time the function is called Do inner functions incur any performance penalty at all python share improve this..

Clean and type-safe state machine implementation in a statically typed language?


question If you use newtype instead of data you don't incur any overhead. Also you can wrap each state's function at the..

find first list item that matches criteria


. I could of course use list comprehension but that would incur O n and if n is large it's wasteful. I could also use a loop..