

python Programming Glossary: indication

Parsing Source Code (Python) Approach: Beautiful Soup, lxml, html5lib difference?


Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed]


once you get used to it it's awesome TIP It might be an indication that you need refactoring if you start having trouble following..

What does 'u' mean in a list?


string unicode share improve this question it's an indication of unicode string. similar to r'' for raw string. type u'abc'..

How do I fix PyDev “Undefined variable from import” errors?


info if you opened that module yourself you'd have no indication that main was expected . You can use ctrl 1 Cmd 1 for Mac in..

How should I correctly handle exceptions in Python3


and retrying maybe after a little wait maybe with an indication to the user about what's wrong e.g. they may have accidentally..

How slow is Python's string concatenation vs. str.join?


iterating through and joining each item but it's a fair indication. String join is significantly faster then concatenation. Why..

Changing the selected item colour in a GtkTreeview using python


It departs significantly from the usual GTK selection indication so obviously use your judgement as to whether it's useable...

“no matching architecture in universal wrapper” problem in wxPython?


platform.architecture does not give an accurate indication of which arch an OS X multiple architecture Python is running..

Converting UTC datetime to user's local date and time


Warsaw . If you ask for just UTC 2 then you loose any indication of DST shifts. Then you can shift from utc to the desired timezone..

Django - User, UserProfile, and Admin


I click Users and I see a list of all of my Users but no indication of any profile. Clicking on a user shows me info about that..

Chrome extension in python?


the functions I need SciPy but I can't seem to find any indication that I can make a Chrome extension using python. Is this correct..

How do I handle file upload via PUT request in Django?


handler.file_complete counters i if not file_obj # some indication this didn't work return HttpResponse status 500 else # handle..

Determine if a listing is a directory or file in Python over FTP


to list the contents of a directory but does not give any indication whether each item in the list is a file or directory. The other..

Start background process/daemon from CGI script


forking approach is some kind of hack which to me is indication it shouldn't be done . For CGI anyway. Under the general principle..

Encrypting a file with RSA in Python


# Write out the encrypted secret key preceded by a length indication output.write str len encrypted_secret_key ' n' output.write..

Exception thrown in multiprocessing Pool not detected


process there is no stack trace or any other indication that it has failed. Example from multiprocessing import Pool..

Sphinx values for attributes reported as None


displayed in the rendered output. But there is no clear indication that makes it easy for the reader to distinguish between class..

Intraday candlestick charts using MatPlotLib


space' your data but of course you will loose any temporal indication intra day . Anyways doing this way you will be able to obtain..

OpenOffice.org development with pyUno for Windows?”which Python?


In my searching so far I haven't been able to find any indication that there is a pyUNO module available to be installed into..