

python Programming Glossary: indent

Is there a function in Python to print all the current properties and values of an object?


'BaseException' 'DeprecationWarning' ... pprint d indent 2 'ArithmeticError' type 'exceptions.ArithmeticError' 'AssertionError'..

Scala equivalent to python generators?


it goes along this is Scala def printClass clazz Class _ indent String Unit clazz match case null case _ println indent clazz.. _ indent String Unit clazz match case null case _ println indent clazz printClass clazz.getSuperclass indent for c clazz.getInterfaces.. case _ println indent clazz printClass clazz.getSuperclass indent for c clazz.getInterfaces printClass c indent Ideally I would..

What is the purpose of the colon before a block in Python?


question The colon is there to declare the start of an indented block. Technically it's not necessary you could just indent.. block. Technically it's not necessary you could just indent and de indent when the block is done. However based on the EIBTI.. it's not necessary you could just indent and de indent when the block is done. However based on the EIBTI Python koan..

Vim automatically removes indentation on Python comments


automatically removes indentation on Python comments I'm using Vim and editing Python scripts... comments I'm using Vim and editing Python scripts. Autoindent works pretty well in general but when I start a new line and.. I start a new line and type '#' to type a comment Vim unindents that line for me. For example if have def foo and I press enter..

Proper indentation for Python multiline strings


indentation for Python multiline strings What is the proper indentation.. for Python multiline strings What is the proper indentation for Python multiline strings within a function def method.. lines docstring.expandtabs .splitlines # Determine minimum indentation first line doesn't count indent sys.maxint for line in..

How to pip install packages according to requirements.txt from a local directory?


Construct a tree from list os file paths (Python) - Performance dependent


dict FILE_MARKER attach others trunk node def prettify d indent 0 ''' Print the file tree structure with proper indentation... d indent 0 ''' Print the file tree structure with proper indentation. ''' for key value in d.iteritems if key FILE_MARKER if.. in d.iteritems if key FILE_MARKER if value print ' ' indent str value else print ' ' indent str key if isinstance value..

How do I parse indents and dedents with pyparsing?


test ' ' suite 'else' ' ' suite suite simple_stmt NEWLINE INDENT stmt DEDENT You can read the full grammar in the Python SVN.. What I am having trouble with is how to express the INDENT and DEDENT tokens as pyparsing objects. Here is how I have implemented.. indents dedents. # The Grammar just has the tokens NEWLINE INDENT and DEDENT scattered accross the rules. # A single NEWLINE would..

How would you parse indentation (python style)?


and found a clever approach for parsing it by generating INDENT and DEDENT tokens in the lexer. I will go deeper on this problem..