

python Programming Glossary: indirection

What is the most efficent way to store a list in the Django models?


relationship but I was hoping to avoid that extra indirection in the code. Edit I added this related question which people..

When does Django look up the primary key of foreign keys?


a Rating object Django sets though with some more indirection to make this generic self.movie to the_hobbit . However self.movie..

Efficient reading of 800 GB XML file in Python 2.7


types to give you more flexibility. The price is more indirection more layers for the data to have to travel through and the Python..

Why program functionally in Python?


use of lambda is doing nothing but inserting a level of indirection with no good effect whatsoever and plenty of bad ones. The motivation.. normal computations in line you still pay that level of indirection of course. It's not Pythonic to have to wonder should I use..

Python: get key with the least value from a dictionary


Can this Python postfix notation (reverse polish notation) interpreter be made more efficient and accurate?


to operator implementations directly without the getattr indirection. Putting all this together ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS ' ' operator.add..

Best way to convert string to bytes in Python 3?


of encode so you're just skipping a level of indirection if you call encode yourself. Also see Serdalis' comment unicode_string.encode..