

python Programming Glossary: medium

Recommended Python publish/subscribe/dispatch module?


very unlikely you will run into this issues in a small to medium sized application. So these issues may not concern you. If you..

How to trouble-shoot HDFStore Exception: cannot find the correct atom type


chunkshape 24 autoIndex True colindexes index Index 6 medium shuffle zlib 1 .is_CSI False UPDATE 4 Now I'm trying to iteratively..

Is there any simple way to benchmark python script?


command time . My purpose is to test if data is small medium large or very large set how much time and memory usage will..

Checking the strength of a password (how to check conditions)


not seem to work. The weak and strong work however the medium does not. I do not know where I have gone wrong. def password.. password input 'type your password ....' weak 'weak' med 'medium' strong 'strong' if len password 12 print 'password is too long.. or all lower and all numbers so the second condition medium is impossible. Perhaps you should look for the presence of some..

In production, Apache + mod_wsgi or Nginx + mod_wsgi?


Apache mod_wsgi or Nginx mod_wsgi What to use for a medium to large python WSGI application Apache mod_wsgi or Nginx mod_wsgi..

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?


have a string that is html encoded lt img class quot size medium wp image 113 quot style quot margin left 15px quot title quot.. quot 194 quot gt I want to change that to img class size medium wp image 113 style margin left 15px title su1 src http blah.org..

Why are scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby) not suitable as shell languages? [closed]


. I think most wil agree with me that a large portion of medium to large scale programming is easier in Python than in bash...

Get hard disk serial number using Python on Linux


vendor unique # unsigned char tPIO Obsolete 0 slow 1 medium 2 fast # unsigned char vendor6 Obsolete vendor unique # unsigned.. vendor unique # unsigned char tDMA Obsolete 0 slow 1 medium 2 fast # unsigned short field_valid word 53 # 2 ultra_ok word..

Project structure for Google App Engine


this layout works great for new and relatively small to medium projects. For larger projects I would suggest breaking up the..

List Manipulation with pop(), Python


you really care about memory consumption. As a happy medium of syntax convenience and laziness efficiency for large lists..

Django - Set Up A Scheduled Job?


the cron solution works quite nicely for a small to medium sized application and where you don't want a lot of external..

Why not always use psyco for Python code?


user reference Compiling everything is often overkill for medium or large sized applications. The drawbacks of compiling too..

Random word generator [closed]


words all nouns . It clocks in at under 50K the size of a medium sized jpeg image. I'll leave choosing a random one as an exercise..

numpy arbitrary precision linear algebra


precision linear algebra I have a numpy 2d array medium large sized say 500x500 . I want to find the eigenvalues of..

Pros and cons of celery vs disco vs hadoop vs other distributed computing packages


working on a web application built in django intended for medium to large scale data analysis. I'm imagining using a task queue..

Properly importing modules in Python


module can access the objects of all the others I have a medium size Python application with modules files in various subdirectories... python import share improve this question I have a medium size Python application with modules files in various subdirectories...