

python Programming Glossary: maze

Traversing foreign key related tables in django templates


seems django doesn't like in templates There's a maze of information on the django site i keep getting lost between..

Representing and solving a maze given an image


and solving a maze given an image What is the best way to represent and solve.. an image What is the best way to represent and solve a maze given an image Given an JPEG image as seen above what's the.. read it in parse it into some data structure and solve the maze My first instinct is to read the image in pixel by pixel and..

python program error elif else if [closed]


notice an omnious sound coming from the other side of the maze. Enter raw_input Do you enter yes or no if Enter Yes or yes.. yes or no if Enter Yes or yes print You walk into the maze and the corn is so thick together you cant push through print.. Forward or forward print you walk on deeper into the maze when you come to a left turn print you turn left and come accross..