

python Programming Glossary: mech

Emulation of lex like functionality in Perl or Python


usr bin perl use strict use warnings use WWW Mechanize my mech WWW Mechanize new mech get http stackoverflow.com mech success.. use warnings use WWW Mechanize my mech WWW Mechanize new mech get http stackoverflow.com mech success or die Oh no Couldn't.. my mech WWW Mechanize new mech get http stackoverflow.com mech success or die Oh no Couldn't fetch stackoverflow.com foreach..

BeautifulSoup HTML table parsing


BeautifulSoup and the code I have looks like this from mechanize import Browser from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup.. import Browser from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup mech Browser url http www.511virginia.org RoadConditions.aspx j All.. www.511virginia.org RoadConditions.aspx j All r 1 page mech.open url html page.read soup BeautifulSoup html table soup.find..

How do I grab a thumbnail screenshot of many websites?


thing. But I am not so experienced with Perl. python perl mechanize share improve this question Here is Perl solution use.. Here is Perl solution use WWW Mechanize Firefox my mech WWW Mechanize Firefox new mech get 'http google.com' my png.. WWW Mechanize Firefox my mech WWW Mechanize Firefox new mech get 'http google.com' my png mech content_as_png From the docs..

Using mechanize to login to a webpage


mechanize to login to a webpage This is my first experience with.. searching around I found that many people suggested using mechanize. Just to be sure that I am setup correctly before I get.. I am setup correctly before I get to code I downloaded the mechanize zip from the website and have my python script in the unzipped..