

python Programming Glossary: memcache

Does creating separate functions instead of one big one slow processing time?


a random number letter string and then stores to the memcache. def generate_random_string # return a random 6 digit long string.. return a random 6 digit long string def check_and_store_to_memcache randomstring generate_random_string #check against memcache.. randomstring generate_random_string #check against memcache #if ok then store key value with another value #if not ok run..

How to get the distinct value of one of my models in Google App Engine


need be and put the results either in the datastore or in memcache. That would of course mean the list of areas might be temporarily..

Django cache.set() causing duplicate key error


Python: Possible to share in-memory data between 2 separate processes


be accessed and modified by message passing a database a memcache cluster a dedicated process that does nothing but keep those..

How can I have Google App Engine clear memcache every time a site is deployed?


can I have Google App Engine clear memcache every time a site is deployed The title asks it all. The content.. Bok in the selected answer's comments and prefixed all my memcache keys with os.environ 'CURRENT_VERSION_ID' with the helpful code.. before. python google app engine deployment caching memcached share improve this question Have you tried flush_all function..

High-concurrency counters without sharding


without sharding My questions With respect to #1 Running memcache.decr in a deferred transactional task seems like overkill. If.. in a deferred transactional task seems like overkill. If memcache.decr is done outside the transaction I think the worst case.. datastore fetch while with #1 typically only needs to do a memcache.get and memcache.add . When incrementing a counter both call..

Good examples of python-memcache (memcached) being used in Python?


examples of python memcache memcached being used in Python I'm writing a web app using.. examples of python memcache memcached being used in Python I'm writing a web app using Python and.. using Python and the web.py framework and I need to use memcached throughout. I've been searching the internet trying to find..

Breaking out of the Google App Engine Python lock-in?


yet. The Memcache API needs a backend that uses standard C memcache backends. The other APIs have perfectly functional backends..