

python Programming Glossary: mechanism

Matching Nested Structures With Regular Expressions in Python


remember that Regular Expressions in DotNet have a special mechanism that allows for the correct matching of nested structures like..

Python's CSV writer produces wrong line terminator


as you expected but then the underlying Windows text file mechanism cuts in and changes that n to r n ... total effect r r n See..

Can't set attributes of object class


... It's a rare need but Python does offer a special mechanism for the purpose... class fint int ... __slots__ 'foobar' .....

How can I add post-install scripts to easy_install / setuptools / distutils?


because that's what I'm using and because its completion mechanism is very straightforward but it's not limited to it. classifiers.. install scripts. bdist_egg doesn't support a post install mechanism by design http bugs.python.org setuptools issue41 share improve..

Why the Global Interpreter Lock?


languages that are compiled to bytecode employ a similar mechanism python multithreading scripting locking bytecode share improve.. languages that are compiled to bytecode employ a similar mechanism In varies and it probably shouldn't be considered a language..

How do you return multiple values in Python?


in practice you'd use meaningful identifiers Now we have a mechanism whereby we can project out a particular member of the returned..

“Private” (implementation) class in Python


So in addition to comments and docstrings is there a mechanism to mark a class as private or internal I am aware of the underscore.. class as private or internal I am aware of the underscore mechanism but as I understand it it only applies to variables function..

Detect File Change Without Polling


Using only the DB part of Django


to open the connection without using the specific request mechanism. Also you'd need to setup the various applications and settings..

Flask vs webapp2 for Google App Engine


limitations e.g. routing system built in authorization mechanism etc. that Flask could bring into Google App Engine application..

Python: Is explicitly closing files important?


uses reference counting as its primary garbage collection mechanism but that's an implementation detail not a feature of the language...

Python removing duplicates in lists


How can I intercept calls to python's “magic” methods in new style classes?


magic methods and does not use the normal attribute lookup mechanism. A workaround is to use a metaclass to automatically add proxies..

Python Comet Server


newsfeed that I want to update via a long polling mechanism. I understand that with Python my choices are pretty much to..