

python Programming Glossary: mechanisms

Threading in Python


applications in Python I'm aware of the basic concurrency mechanisms provided by the language and also of Stackless Python . What..

How dangerous is setting self.__class__ to something else?


then munging it into a derived one. Use __new__ or other mechanisms to hook the construction. Redesign things so you have a single..

Pythons many ways of string formatting ??are the older ones (going to be) deprecated?


compatibility can be maintained by leaving the existing mechanisms in place. The new system does not collide with any of the method..

Does Python have a stack/heap and how is memory managed?


the most popular python library for number crunching has mechanisms that handle memory consumption gracefully. If you would like..

Parameterized queries with psycopg2 / Python DB-API and PostgreSQL


to PostgreSQL I don't want to write my own escpaing mechanisms or adapters and the psycopg2 source code and examples are difficult..

Picklable data containers that are dumpable in the current namespace


. The motivation behind this question is to identify mechanisms that support such pickable workspaces in Python. python matlab..

Confused with getattribute and setattribute in python


that use steadily increasing priority attribute access mechanisms to override the behavior of their parent class class O1 object..

How to load compiled python modules from memory?


import hook which automagically gets involved in the mechanisms of the import statement internals themselves that's feasible..

How can I make my Python code stay under 80 characters a line?


lines. As for how to actually fit them there are several mechanisms. You can end the line with a but this is error prone. # works..

The Python yield keyword explained


2 4 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 3 1 2 4 3 2 1 Understanding the inner mechanisms of iteration Iteration is a process implying iterables implementing..

gdata-python-api + Analytics with simple auth


that your application will be authorizing. The general mechanisms were detailed in a blog post in September 2011 but I'll describe..

cross platform IPC


platform IPC I'm looking for suggestions on possible IPC mechanisms that are cross platform WIN32 and Linux at least Simple to implement..

Complex Beautiful Soup query


share improve this question BeautifulSoup's search mechanisms accept a callable which the docs appear to recommend for your..

Behavior of Python's time.sleep(0) under linux - Does it cause a context switch?


Multiprocessing or Multithreading?


Processes however share information through a lot of mechanisms. A Posix pipeline a b means that process a and process b share..

What can change my floating point control word behind my back?


this sounds fantastical but as I have discovered there are mechanisms for this behaviour to manifest. I have learnt about signals...

Is there a “safe” subset of Python for use as an embedded scripting language?


I'm interested in implementing some scripting plugin mechanisms into a newer app and don't want a plugin or script to be able..

Python Class Members Initialization


those silly newbie bugs but it got me thinking about the mechanisms of Python I'm a long time C programmer new to Python . I will..

Throughput differences when using coroutines vs threading


If I were to re implement my program using threading mechanisms each of my producers and consumers could simultaneously be working..

Why is there no GIL in the Java Virtual Machine? Why does Python need one so bad?


ease of coding esp. the coding of the garbage collection mechanisms and of integration of non thread safe C coded libraries there..