

python Programming Glossary: maybe

py2exe - generate single executable file


executable file that does something like unzips itself to maybe temp and runs. python packaging py2exe share improve this..

python: How to add property to a class dynamically?


would to see dummy.ab 100 So at the beginning I thought I maybe able to do it this way ks 'ab' 'cd' vs 12 34 class C dict def..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


and forget server system. Python makes it easy to log with maybe some project specific wrappers all you need is a log INFO I..

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?


Google but to save you the trouble you will end up here or maybe not... not a particularly future proof URL and figure out that..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


frequent use case to treat all kinds of strings and maybe other scalar types i.e. ones you can't loop on one way all containers..

Why doesn't this division work in python?


d 1009 print str float n d 0.0287413280476 In python 2 and maybe earlier you could use from __future__ import division n d 0.028741328047571853..

Image comparison algorithm


to avoid wasting time comparing very dissimilar images maybe with the compare jpg file size trick mentioned in responses..

Short Description of Python Scoping Rules


when the function spam is passed somewhere else. And maybe lambda functions pass a bit differently There must be a simple..

How to stream an HttpResponse with Django


I suspect there's a middleware that's mucking with it maybe ETAG calculator But I'm not sure how to disable it. Can somebody..

Python Progress Bar


There are specific libraries like this one here but maybe something very simple would do import time import sys toolbar_width..

Python: single instance of program


bind to same port fails. But it's not really a great idea maybe there's something more lightweight than this Take into consideration..

Does python have an equivalent to Java Class.forName()?


If you can explain what is it that you're trying to do maybe we can help you find a more pythonic way of doing it. Here's..

Comprehension for flattening a sequence of sequences?


a sequence of sequences If I have sequence of sequences maybe a list of tuples I can use itertools.chain to flatten it. But..

Python code to pick out all possible combinations from a list?


numbers. Does anyone know of a better way Using map maybe python combinations share improve this question Have a..

Find all occurrences of a substring in Python


to get the index of a substring in string. I wonder maybe there is something like string.find_all which can return all..

Redirect stdout to a file in Python?


some external modules from still outputting to terminal or maybe the sys.stdout ... line did not fire at all . I know it should..

How do I tell Python to convert integers into words


my head in the python book I have I understand that maybe I just do not understand for if elif else loops yet but I'm..

How to learn Python: Good Example Code? [closed]


simple console app with at most just a few extra .py files maybe one package for good measure ... Oh and one more thing The reason.. limited exposure and it just doesn't smell right to me. So maybe this is more Enterprise Python that hobbyist python or something...

Making a flat list out of list of lists in Python [duplicate]


list of lists in Python. I can do that in a for loop but maybe there is some cool one liner I tried it with reduce but I get..

Iterating through a range of dates in Python


iterator not two. Update after discussion with John Machin Maybe the most elegant solution is using a generator function to completely..

Why (0-6) is -6 = False? [duplicate]


6 is 6 False but 0 5 is 5 True Could you explain to me why Maybe this is some kind of bug or very strange behavior. Python 2.7.3..

Proper way to declare custom exceptions in modern Python?


python exception share improve this question Maybe I missed the question but why not class MyException Exception..

What is the difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod in Python?


methods class method share improve this question Maybe a bit of example code will help Notice the difference in the..

How do I force Python to be 32-bit on Snow Leopard and other 32-bit/64-bit questions


make your system unusable by tampering with system files. Maybe installing a separate Python from python.org for application..

Displaying webcam feed using opencv and python


you have the right one is manually looking at your light. Maybe get an image and check its properties To add a user prompt to..

Correct way to detect sequence parameter?


answer below for why most of these answers don't help me. Maybe you have something better to suggest. python types sequences..

How to print date in a regular format in Python?


*args and **kwargs? [duplicate]


I am sure there is but I can't get an understanding of it. Maybe I think to enter lists and dictionaries as arguments of a function..

Can I add custom methods/attributes to built-in Python types?


JavaScript has a prototype object that behaves this way. Maybe it's bad design and I should subclass the dict object but then..

Unicode (utf8) reading and writing to files in python


get Python to recognize it when it comes from outside. Maybe I should just JSON dump the string and use that instead since..

pip install mysql-python fails with EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found


on debian you must install the package libmysqlclient dev Maybe the mysql_config is not in your path it will be the case when..

Django: multiple models in one template using forms


commiting save of child model. The link has the demo. 2 Maybe formsets can be beaten into doing this but as far as I delved..

Is there a way to substring a string in Python?


new string from the 3rd character to the end of the string Maybe like myString 2 end EDIT If leaving the second part means 'till..

How can I print and display subprocess stdout and stderr output without distortion?


subprocess stdout and stderr output without distortion Maybe there's someone out in the ether that can help me with this.. that I'm not aware of Or maybe it can be implemented Maybe it's best to implement a sys.stdout wrapper as suggested in..

How to capture output of Python's interpreter and show in a Text widget?


self text Append text to the QTextEdit. # Maybe QTextEdit.append works as well but this is how I do it cursor..

python dict.add_by_value(dict_2)?


a dream. Update Still loking for more concise solutions. Maybe groupby can help The solution I've come up with using reduce..

How do I include image files in Django templates?


file however the images display so the path is correct. Maybe the default Web server that comes with Django will display images..

Why NumPy instead of Python lists?


in reading and writing items is also faster with NumPy. Maybe you don't care that much for just a million cells but you definitely..