

python Programming Glossary: maya

Configuring Pydev Interpreter in Eclipse to use Enthought Python Distribution


on OS X 10.5.2 Pydev users pydev Users mayapy on PyDev Maya Python is running on OSX Cannot set python interperter in preferences..

How do I make environment variable changes stick in Python?


do this is because at the studio where I work tools like Maya rely heavily on environment variables to configure paths across..

Running unit tests with Nose inside a Python environment such as Autodesk Maya?


with Nose inside a Python environment such as Autodesk Maya I'd like to start creating unit tests for my Maya scripts... Maya I'd like to start creating unit tests for my Maya scripts. These scripts must be run inside the Maya environment.. for my Maya scripts. These scripts must be run inside the Maya environment and rely on the maya.cmds module namespace. How..

PyQt - how to detect and close UI if it's already running?


if it's already running I'm starting the UI from within Maya. If the UI hasn't been closed running the UI again will completely.. been closed running the UI again will completely freeze Maya with the error Event Loop is already running Manually closing..