

python Programming Glossary: membership

OR behaviour in python:


values checking against a set is faster than a list as a membership test for a set is O 1 instead of O n . This is simply a nicer..

Python “in” keyword efficiency


operand The operators in and not in test for collection membership. ... The collection membership test has traditionally been bound.. not in test for collection membership. ... The collection membership test has traditionally been bound to sequences an object is.. it make sense for many other object types to support membership tests without being a sequence. In particular dictionaries for..

if x or y or z == blah


x y z using a set to take advantage of the constant cost membership test in takes a fixed amount of time whatever the left hand..

Rules of thumb for when to use operator overloading in python


class must override special method __contains__ i.e. the membership check operator item in container as in if item in container..

Python's in (__contains__) operator returns a bool whose value is neither True nor False


Python 3. Can you explain what is going on python boolean membership comparison operators share improve this question You are..

Why does `a == b or c or d` always evaluate to True? [duplicate]


Python: DISTINCT on GQuery result set (GQL, GAE)


and dicts are better at retrieving unique results quickly membership in lists is O n versus O 1 for the other types so if you want..

In Python, when to use a Dictionary, List or Set?


keys and the associated value as the count . Checking for membership of a value in a set or dict for keys is blazingly fast taking.. care either way about order or duplicates and want speedy membership checking set is better than list . share improve this answer..

How is CPython's set() implemented?


I've seen people say that set objects in python have O 1 membership checking. How are they implemented internally to allow this.. as it's underlying data structure. This explains the O 1 membership checking since looking up an item in a hashtable is an O 1 operation..

Get difference from 2 lists. Python


your list comprehension not to mention that checking for membership value in list is much faster with sets then lists . share improve..

Order of syntax for using 'not' and 'in' keywords


for using 'not' and 'in' keywords When checking for membership I feel unsure whether to use 'ham' not in 'spam and eggs' Or..

python set changes element order?


iterable but it should be an iterable which supports O 1 membership tests. Edit The answer above assumes that you want to be able.. in b 2 210 This loses the order of b does not allow fast membership tests on a and the result. Sets allow fast membership tests.. fast membership tests on a and the result. Sets allow fast membership tests and lists keep order. If you need both these features..

Include intermediary (through model) in responses in Django Rest Framework


20 groups models.ManyToManyField 'Group' through 'Membership' class Group models.Model name models.CharField max_length 20.. models.Model name models.CharField max_length 20 class Membership models.Model member models.ForeignKey 'Member' group models.ForeignKey.. groups' details without extra details that comes from the Membership model. In other words I expect to receive 'id' 2 'name' 'some..

Is there a way of checking for membership from the values of a dictionary? Once confirmed, can we do other things?


place python dictionary share improve this question Membership in menu is easy k for k v in menu.iteritems if 'chips' in v.. menu is easy k for k v in menu.iteritems if 'chips' in v Membership with defaultdict works exactly the same way since containment..

How do I access the properties of a many-to-many “through” table from a django template?


128 members models.ManyToManyField Person through 'Membership' def __unicode__ self return self.name class Membership models.Model.. 'Membership' def __unicode__ self return self.name class Membership models.Model person models.ForeignKey Person group models.ForeignKey.. set up your ManyToManyField to use your intermediary model Membership in this case you're ready to start creating some many to many..