

python Programming Glossary: mechanize.request

How can I perform a HEAD request with the mechanize library?


to send HEAD. Example import mechanize class HeadRequest mechanize.Request def get_method self return HEAD request HeadRequest http www.example.com..

Python's mechanize proxy support


if I have params urllib.urlencode 'id' id 'passwd' pw rq mechanize.Request 'http www.example.com' params rs mechanize.urlopen rq How can.. python mechanize share improve this question You use mechanize.Request.set_proxy host type at least as of 0.1.11 assuming an http proxy.. assuming an http proxy running at localhost 8888 req mechanize.Request http www.google.com req.set_proxy localhost 8888 http mechanize.urlopen..

How do I get Python's Mechanize to POST an ajax request?


improve this question This was what I came up with req mechanize.Request https www.site.com path url req.add_header User Agent Mozilla.. req Whats interesting is the in the call to mechanize.Request forces it into POST mode. Obviously the site didn't choke on..

Using Python and Mechanize to submit form data and authenticate


works with all # of them so why not just include them. req mechanize.Request 'http www.reddit.com api comment' new_data req.add_header 'Referer'..

What should I do if socket.setdefaulttimeout() is not working?


argument and urllib2.urlopen ignores this parameter. mechanize.Request has a timeout constructor argument which is used to set the..