

python Programming Glossary: media_url

How do I stop getting ImportError: Could not import settings 'mofin.settings' when using django with wsgi?


# Examples http media.lawrence.com http example.com media MEDIA_URL 'http mofin.mywebsite.co.uk media ' # URL prefix for admin media..

Unable to serve static files like css, js in django python


DEBUG True MEDIA_ROOT os.path.join PROJECT_DIR 'media' MEDIA_URL ' media ' STATIC_ROOT os.path.join PROJECT_DIR 'static' STATIC_URL.. __file__ MEDIA_ROOT os.path.join PROJECT_DIR 'media' MEDIA_URL ' media ' STATIC_ROOT os.path.join PROJECT_DIR 'static' STATIC_URL.. url r'^admin ' include admin.site.urls static settings.MEDIA_URL document_root settings.MEDIA_ROOT urlpatterns staticfiles_urlpatterns..

Suspicious Operation Django


media doesn't exist on the filesystem My MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL are MEDIA_ROOT ' home tsoporan site media ' MEDIA_URL media.. and MEDIA_URL are MEDIA_ROOT ' home tsoporan site media ' MEDIA_URL media My models upload_to parameter is passed this function..

What does Django do with `MEDIA_ROOT`?


being far too vague in its docs about what MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL are used for. Searching through Django's code confirms that.. Searching through Django's code confirms that MEDIA_ROOT MEDIA_URL are used for file upload and that MEDIA_URL is provided as a.. MEDIA_ROOT MEDIA_URL are used for file upload and that MEDIA_URL is provided as a convenience to templates via the default context..

multiple instances of django on a single domain


of making sure these settings include your project path MEDIA_URL 'http gallery media ' ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX ' gallery..

Can I access constants in settings.py from templates in Django?


used settings constants to the template such as settings.MEDIA_URL and some of the language settings if you use django's built.. both have several frequently used settings like settings.MEDIA_URL available to the template as MEDIA_URL etc. If you're looking.. like settings.MEDIA_URL available to the template as MEDIA_URL etc. If you're looking for access to other constants in the..

Django: how do you serve media / stylesheets and link to them within templates


MEDIA_ROOT 'D Dev Tools django_projects dso media' MEDIA_URL ' media ' ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX ' media ' urls.py from django.conf.urls.defaults.. MEDIA_ROOT 'C Server Projects project_name static ' MEDIA_URL ' static ' ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX ' media ' urls.py from django.conf..

Django Admin Media prefix URL issue


settings.py MEDIA_ROOT os.path.join APP_DIR 'media' MEDIA_URL ' media ' ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX ' admin media ' TEMPLATE_DIRS os.path.join.. contains head title block title endblock title link href MEDIA_URL css base.css rel stylesheet type text css link href MEDIA_URL.. css base.css rel stylesheet type text css link href MEDIA_URL ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX css base.css rel stylesheet type text css..

Apache not serving django admin static files


http media.lawrence.com media http example.com media MEDIA_URL '' # Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected..

Django static Files


http media.lawrence.com media http example.com media MEDIA_URL '' # Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected..