

python Programming Glossary: measures

Python file operations


selected by the from_what argument. A from_what value of 0 measures from the beginning of the file 1 uses the current file position..

python passlib: what is the best value for “rounds”


using a specific technology level. The actual value 2 31 measures the dollar days per round it will cost an attacker. For comparison..

Obfuscating python bytecode through interpreter mutation


normal .pyc files. This may help you hide some security measures inside your program. However an attacker might be able for example..

Compare similarity of terms/expressions using NLTK?


python nltk share improve this question There are some measures of semantic relatedness or similarity but they're better defined.. a nice web implementation of many similarity wordnet based measures http wn similarity.sourceforge.net Some further reading on interpreting..

Python - “IOError: [Errno 0] Error”. What is Triggering This Error In My Code?


0 2 2 is the from_what argument. A from_what value of 0 measures from the beginning of the file 1 uses the current file position..

Python: removing duplicates from a list of lists


probability distributions deciding which performance measures to optimize maybe the upper bound or the 90th centile is more..

Why tuple is faster than list?


to it in every way Python 2.7 if you can upgrade to it measures as being almost 20 faster than 2.6 in each task and 2.6 as you..

Are there statistical studies that indicates that Python is “more productive”?


of something else. I'm interested in studies that measures that the use of something is related or not related to the productivity...

Is Tornado really non-blocking?


tornado share improve this question Yes absent other measures the server will wait for the query to finish executing. That..

Calculating Pearson correlation and significance in Python


non correlation. The Pearson correlation coefficient measures the linear relationship between two datasets. Strictly speaking..

Python: How to get number of mili seconds per jiffy


the software clock a clock maintained by the kernel which measures time in jiffies. The size of a jiffy is determined by the value..

Suggestions on how to speed up a distance calculation


measure there are dimensions that use other distance measures . Profiling reveals that the __call__ function of this class..

Streaming or custom Jar in Hadoop


the Google Books NGgram dataset and computing aggregate measures. It seems like CPU utilization on the compute nodes are close..

Python Multiple Linear Regression using OLS code with specific data?


by the class. Summary provides printed output. All other measures can be accessed as follows Step 1 Create an OLS instance by..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


more precise what properties of the candidates should be measures and how should make solve the dichotomy problem of splitting..