

python Programming Glossary: meeting

Create PyQt menu from a list of strings


pyqt signals slots share improve this question You're meeting what's been often referred to maybe not entirely pedantically..

Python XML Remove Some Elements and Their Children but Keep Specific Elements and Their Children


this purpose as attempts to introduce a new attribute were meeting with a key error when I tried to iterate back over them. Just..

Find and replace text in .docx file - Python


any other existing or future text in the document eg. The meeting with XXXCLIENTNAMEXXX on XXXMEETDATEXXX went very well. . import..

Parsing xml to pandas data frame throws memory error


are telling me something about the values in the file not meeting what is expected but that doesn't match with a memory error..

Parsing files (ics/ icalendar) using Python


OPAQUE DTSTAMP 20100713T071037Z CLASS PUBLIC SUMMARY meeting UID 6011DDDD659E49D765257751001D2B4B Lotus_Notes_Generated X.. 'version' '2.0' event Event event.add 'summary' 'Python meeting about calendaring' event.add 'dtstart' datetime 2005 4 4 8 0.. VALUE DATE 20050404T080000Z PRIORITY 5 SUMMARY Python meeting about calendaring UID 20050115T101010 27346262376@mxm.dk END..

Cross platform keylogger


to add the time interval to break the current project meeting etc or a different project. I've solved the keylogger for Windows..

Python 3 IDE for teaching


IDE you'd recommend that supports Python 3 preferably meeting the following criteria in order of necessity Cross platform..

Is there a need for a “use strict” Python compiler?


does not prevent any logic problems it doesn't facilitate meeting performance requirements it doesn't help meet the use cases...

Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) in Python


conforms to the Level One requirements from UTS#18. Beyond meeting those Level One requirements which are all absolutely essential..