

python Programming Glossary: meet

How to disable SQLAlchemy caching?


to disable SQLAlchemy caching I meet a cache problem when I use sqlalchemy . I use sqlalchemy insert..

__lt__ instead of __cmp__


other.name other.age other.other This simplicity seems to meet my needs much better than overloading all 6 of the rich comparisons...

Remove items from a list while iterating in Python


tuples in Python and am attempting to remove them if they meet certain criteria. for tup in somelist if determine tup code_to_remove_tup..

curses-like library for cross-platform console app in python


There is a wcurses . I've never tried it but it may meet your needs. It sounds like it doesn't have full curses compatibility..

real time subprocess.Popen via stdout and PIPE


and then it returns. So for logging purposes this doesn't meet my requirements e.g. see what is going on while it happens ...

Unit Conversion in Python


Scientific.Physics.PhysicalQuantity. It did not quite meet my needs but might satisfy yours. It's hard to tell what features..

How do you log server errors on django sites


solutions would you recomend for a django site that would meet those simple requirements I have the application running as..

how can python function access its own attributes?


of the global variable f on each call which does not meet the requirements. If f is deleted then the function fails. The..

How to assign a local file to the FileField in Django?


so you can simply wrap it around existing file objects to meet the needs of the Django API. from django.core.files import File..

Setting smaller buffer size for sys.stdin?


Distributing Programs Written in Python [duplicate]


in that case the target PC must have Python installed and meet the dependencies. An even better solution at least for the community..

deleting items from a dictionary while iterating over it


val del mydict k The idea is to remove elements that don't meet a certain condition from the dictionary instead of creating..

MATLAB-style find() function in Python


MATLAB it is very easy to find the indecies of values that meet a particular conditions a 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 find a 2 find the..

Python: Removing list element while iterating over list


Python do some action on it and then remove them if they meet certain criteria. for element in somelist do_action element..

permutations with unique values


condition. But this way once stopping condition is meet result is propagated trough all stack up to the caller. That..

How do I execute a string containing Python code in Python?


Python - Parse a .py file, read the AST, modify it, then write back the modified source code


round tripped from source AST source. The rope project may meet your needs if you want to do more refactoring like transforms...

SWIG/python array inside structure


inside a struct which can then provide extra methods to meet the subscriptable requirements . I've put together a small example...

spawning process from python


Python executables just as well. As given the code should meet the needs @mark explained of course it can be tailored in many..

What is the best solution for database connection pooling in python?


python I have developed some custom DAO like classes to meet some very specialized requirements for my project that is a..