

python Programming Glossary: mdll

How can I build my C extensions with MinGW-w64 in Python?


'MyLib' extension c MinGW64 bin x86_64 w64 mingw32 gcc.exe mdll O Wall Ic Python27 lib site packages numpy core include Ic Python27..

Cannot install Cython on win7


'gcc mno cygwin O Wall' # compiler_so 'gcc mno cygwin mdll O Wall' # compiler_cxx 'g mno cygwin O Wall' # linker_exe.. compiler 'gcc O Wall' compiler_so 'gcc mdll O Wall' compiler_cxx 'g O Wall' linker_exe 'gcc' linker_so..

Wrap C++ lib with Cython


C Program Files pythonxy mingw bin gcc.exe mno cygwin mdll O Wall I. IC Python26 include IC Python26 PC c test.cpp o build.. C Program Files pythonxy mingw bin g .exe mno cygwin mdll static entry _D llMain@12 output lib build temp.win32 2.6 Release..

Installing PygraphViz on Windows, Python 2.6


extension C MinGW32 xy bin gcc.exe mno cygwin mdll O Wall Ic Program Files x86 G raphviz 2.28 include graphviz..

Python: undefined reference to `_imp __Py_InitModule4'


But rdynamic doesn't help. e MinGW bin gcc.exe mno cygwin mdll O Wall g IE code python python py26 include IE code python python..

python pip package install fails , dllwrap error after 'fixing': “unable to find vcvarsall.bat”


install for twisted C MinGW bin gcc.exe mno cygwin mdll O Wall Ig Programs x86 Python 2.6 include Ig Programs x86 Python.. compilation terminated. C MinGW bin gcc.exe mno cygwin mdll O Wall Ig Programs x86 Python 2.6 include Ig Programs x86 Python.. extension C MinGW bin gcc.exe mno cygwin mdll O Wall DWIN32 1 Ig Programs x8 6 Python 2.6 include Ig Programs..

Compiling with cython and mingw produces gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin'


building 'hello2' extension C mingw bin gcc.exe mno cygwin mdll O Wall IC Python26 include IC Python26 PC c hello2.c o build..