

python Programming Glossary: meanwhile

Eclipse, PyDev and Python configuration error


C Python32 M DULOS. I'll try to fix that tomorrow in the meanwhile you can remove the unicode chars from your PYTHONPATH to make..

How can I explicitly free memory in Python?


in memory before I write the output to file. In the meanwhile I'm getting memory errors because of the sizes of the lists...

Python 32-bit memory limits on 64bit windows


without getting a memory error even on an 8GB machine. And meanwhile a 32 bit app has no way of accessing more than 4GB and the OS..

python: If an entry is not an acceptable parameter for a prompt, how to re-ask [closed]


believe you should figure most of this out on your own but meanwhile you should have some kind of working solution. share improve..

How to execute a function asynchronously every 60 seconds in Python?


every 60 seconds on Python but I don't want to be blocked meanwhile. How can I do it asynchronously import threading import time..

How to implement Comet server side with Python?


parts of which the second one is fired on some event but meanwhile server can accept subsequent inbound requests. Example from..

How to remove lines from stdout in Python - in SciTe, Idle, Eclipse or other editor with console


console only perhaps with additional options. A solution meanwhile for me as user could be to change the sys.stdout to a new console..

Rendering JSON objects using a Django template after an Ajax call


vikingosegundo I like using decorators too . But in the meanwhile I've been following the approach suggested by the snippet I..

How dangerous is setting self.__class__ to something else?


different metaclasses things will get even more confusing. Meanwhile in many cases where you'd think this is necessary there are..

Use Python Win32gui to check messagebox


stands for and whether it can check a message box. Meanwhile what kinds of windows can FindWindow detect Whether it can detect.. detect Whether it can detect all kinds of windows Meanwhile can I use FindWindow to check whether a program is running...

Running Python on Windows for Node.js dependencies


set the PYTHON variable it sets the PYTHONPATH variable. Meanwhile just using the set command only affects the current cmd session...

Why XGrabKey generates extra focus-out and focus-in events?


to do something in response to the key combination. Meanwhile the program has been temporarily focused... During XGrabKey..

File downloading using python with threads


goes back to fetch another work request or wait for one . Meanwhile the main thread or a separate dedicated writing thread if needed..

python pip package install fails , dllwrap error after 'fixing': “unable to find vcvarsall.bat”


a bug with Python. See http bugs.python.org issue2698 Meanwhile you could install ActivePython and install Twisted via PyPM..

System PIP instead of virtualenv PIP by default?


is happening to you and share your solution with others. Meanwhile it may be ok to use the absolute path to pip. share improve..