

python Programming Glossary: memo

Time complexity of accessing a Python dict


though the algorithm is quadratic. I use a dictionary to memoize values. That seems to be a bottleneck. The values I'm hashing.. edit As per request here's a simplified version of the memoization function def memoize fun memoized def memo args key args.. a simplified version of the memoization function def memoize fun memoized def memo args key args if not key in memoized..

Algorithm to find which number in a list sum up to a certain number


I will explain it using a recursive function and memoization which is easier to understand than a bottom up approach... calls which leads to an O 2^n algorithm. Now we can apply memoization to make it run in time O n S which is faster if S is.. time O n S which is faster if S is not too big def f v i S memo if i len v return 1 if S 0 else 0 if i S not in memo # Check..

Is there a memory profiler for python2.7?


there a memory profiler for python2.7 I needed to check the memory stats.. a memory profiler for python2.7 I needed to check the memory stats of objects I use in python. I came across guppy and.. but they are not available for python2.7. Is there a memory profiler available for python 2.7 If not is there a way I..

Python - anyone have a memoizing decorator that can handle unhashable arguments?


anyone have a memoizing decorator that can handle unhashable arguments I've been.. handle unhashable arguments I've been using the following memoizing decorator from the great book Python Algorithms Mastering.. Algorithms in the Python Language ... love it btw . def memo func cache @ wraps func def wrap args if args not in cache cache..

Can I do an ordered, default dict in Python


type self self.default_factory self def __deepcopy__ self memo import copy return type self self.default_factory copy.deepcopy..

Is there a decorator to simply cache function return values?


decorator share improve this question There are memoizing decorators that perform what you call caching e.g. http..