

python Programming Glossary: meantime

Python UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 ordinal not in range(128)


system. Jinja2 is included with AppEngine. However in the meantime your problem is that your templates are ASCII but your data..

matplotlib wont draw python3


for Python3.2 and Pyramid How do I make it happen In the meantime I will continue with the trial and error thing and update my..

How do I protect my Python codebase so that guests can't see certain modules but so it still works?


it and hope that an outsider didn't download it in the meantime. Multiple repositories The next thought was to have two repositories..

Convert raw byte string to Unicode without knowing the codepage beforehand


platform standard library. Python 3 does this. In the meantime for Python 2 you can do it by calling GetCommandLineW yourself..

does __init__ get called multiple times with this implementation of Singleton? (Python)


Has smth changed in Python that handles this in the meantime considering the question was asked in 2008 or am I missing smth..

Single Table Inheritance in Django


and debate. Are there libraries hacks I can use in the meantime to capture the basic behavior I have a hierarchy that mixes..

Moon / Lunar Phase Algorithm


to it but it turns out that it fell off the web in the meantime so I had to go dust it off and upload it again. See moon.py..

What refactoring tools do you use for Python?


python refactoring share improve this question In the meantime I've tried it two tools that have some sort of integration with..

how can I upload a kml file with a script to google maps?


and comment on that if you'd like Google to fix. In the meantime without that bug fixed you could try Create the map without..

sys.argv[1] meaning in script


as you're familiarizing yourself with Python but it the meantime here are a few things to know. You can simply create a script..

How to tell for which object attribute pickle fails?


for not including more helpful error messages. In the meantime modify the _reduce_ex function in copy_reg.py . if base is self.__class__..

Python generator vs callback function


of PEP 380 could fix this see this paragraph . In the meantime I don't think it's a good idea to yield from recursive functions..

Consistenly create same random numpy array


of shape 100 2000 with values of either 1 0 or 1. In the meantime I want to randomly create a array of the same characteristics..

Twisted: Making code non-blocking


This will take a long time for large numberin . If in the meantime another user asks for the primality of a small number is there..

How do I format positional argument help using Python's optparse?


would be to write a patch to the optparse module. In the meantime you can accomplish this with a slightly modified OptionParser..

Tkinter: Wait for item in queue


checking the queue although it could do other stuff in the meantime. Is there a way to automatically trigger the read_queue method..

Python SOAP Client - use SUDS or something else?


WSDLs and that is something they are working on. In the meantime if you don't expect your WSDL to change often you have two options..

Django Tastypie: How to Authenticate with API Key


really obvious once you've see it in action but in the meantime please advise how to to make the request a GET . python django..