

python Programming Glossary: measuring

Code Analysis In Python


cyclomatic complexity share improve this question For measuring cyclomatic complexity there's a nice tool available at traceback.org..

How to time how long a Python program takes to run?


interfaces. It avoids a number of common traps for measuring execution times. You'll need a python statement in a string..

Cost of scaling Rails vs cost of scaling PHP vs Python frameworks


for some you can use caching but not for others. So in measuring scalability split your 1 million visits into cheap and expensive..

Reversing a sentence's word order by chunks


accurately measure time python function takes


timeit which claims to avoid a number of common traps for measuring execution times . Unfortunately it has an awful interface taking..

how to measure execution time of functions (automatically) in Python


XX time to finish So the BaseClass needs to dealing with measuring time python oop share improve this question One way to..

Peak detection in a 2D array


detection in a 2D array I'm helping a veterinary clinic measuring pressure under a dogs paw. I use Python for my data analysis..

File Manipulation: Scripting Question


on your specific du to make sure that you are actually measuring what you intend to measure. If you really want the du values..

Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python


words use what you know about the system that your data is measuring to decide how to do it. This is always true with interpolation..

Stack performance in programming languages


then average the other eight. In addition make sure you're measuring CPU time rather than clock time. Anything less than that I would..

Reducing Django Memory Usage. Low hanging fruit?


profiling the memory usage but some tips on how to start measuring would be useful. I have a feeling that there are some simple.. but there is very little in the way of tutorials on measuring Python memory usage and none at all specific to Django. Thanks..

Why is my MergeSort so slow in Python?


I'm having some troubles understanding this behaviour. I'm measuring the execution time with the timeit module and get the following..

Does a line profiler for code require a parse tree and is that sufficient?


body theFunction so it should be fairly easy to insert measuring code around each statement. With some more work you can insert..

Measuring elapsed time in python


doesn't happen very often but it does indicate that I'm measuring the wrong thing. Using time.time to measure durations is incredibly..

SQLite Performance Benchmark — why is :memory: so slow…only 1.5X as fast as disk?


slower. In other words the benchmark is adequately measuring the realistic performance of memory but not the realistic performance..