

python Programming Glossary: median

How to find Median


900 Sam 800 Test 400 What is the shortest way to fine the median from above data. My result should be something like... Median.. values in the sample. Test 500 Sam 700 Ram 800 python median share improve this question Its a little unclear how your.. 800 'Test' 400 from collections import defaultdict def median mylist sorts sorted mylist length len sorts if not length 2..

Getting SciPy quantiles to match Stata xtile function


ranges. I see what looks like the option to compute as the median or mode of this range but not mean it's also not clear if these.. this range but not mean it's also not clear if these SciPy median mode options with alpha and beta are computed as the median.. mode options with alpha and beta are computed as the median mode of the observations or of the range that would produce..

Python: removing duplicates from a list of lists


or the 90th centile is more important than an average or median depending on one's apps performing possibly heuristic checks..

How do I calculate percentiles with python/numpy?


reference and couldn't find this. All I could find is the median 50th percentile but not something more specific. python numpy..

Building a balanced binary search tree


int values int min int max if min max return null int median min max min 2 return new TreeNode Value values median Left.. int median min max min 2 return new TreeNode Value values median Left constructBalancedTree values min median Right constructBalancedTree.. Value values median Left constructBalancedTree values min median Right constructBalancedTree values median 1 max TreeNode constructBalancedTree..

Scatter plot with a huge amount of data


color represents the quantity of data in the bin not the median value of the dS array but that should be easy to change. More..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


centre distances D allx xtoc avdist distances.mean # median if verbose 2 print kmeans av X nearest centre .4g avdist if..

Good Python modules for fuzzy string comparison?


distance and edit operations string similarity approximate median strings and generally string averaging string sequence and set..

Python out of memory on large CSV file (numpy)


a 3GB CSV file that I try to read with python I need the median column wise. from numpy import def data return genfromtxt 'All.csv'.. zeros len data 0 data data.T for i in xrange len data m median data i med i 1.0 float m print med The error that I get is this..