

python Programming Glossary: mean

What is a metaclass in Python?


that by checking the __class__ attribute. Everything and I mean everything is an object in Python. That includes ints strings.. __init__ . These are called metaclasses damn it It must mean something Why the hell would you use metaclasses Now the big..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


the object will behave as though __str__ __repr__ . This means in simple terms almost every object you implement should have.. a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. This means that I do believe with religious fervor in logging. Logging.. up if you have enough information so eval repr c c that means you know everything there is to know about c . If that ™s easy..

python open built-in function: difference between modes a, a+, w, w+, and r+?


updating specifically but does not define what these terms mean. python share improve this question The opening modes are..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


offer extra goodies isinstance and issubclass can now mean more than just an instance of a derived class in particular..

What exactly do “u” and “r”string flags in Python, and what are raw string litterals?


for a string literal in which a backslash is taken as meaning just a backslash except when it comes right before a quote.. r ... are all byte strings and so on . Not sure what you mean by going back there is no intrinsically back and forward directions..

proper name for python * operator? [closed]


people from those communities will figure out what you mean if you call it that. The Python tutorial uses the phrase unpacking..

What do *args and **kwargs mean? [duplicate]


do args and kwargs mean duplicate This question already has an answer here What does.. 8 answers What exactly do args and kwargs mean According to the Python documentation from what it seems it..

Python: Once and for all. What does the Star operator mean in Python? [duplicate]


Once and for all. What does the Star operator mean in Python duplicate Possible Duplicate What does args and kwargs.. duplicate Possible Duplicate What does args and kwargs mean What does the operator mean in Python such as in code like zip.. What does args and kwargs mean What does the operator mean in Python such as in code like zip x or f k How does it work..

Play a Sound with Python [duplicate]


way to play a sound file .wav in Python By easiest I mean both most platform independent and requiring the least dependencies...

Using Django time/date widgets in custom form


'model' Product to the generic create_object view that'll mean from my_app.forms import ProductForm instead of from my_app.models..

What does `if __name__ == “__main__”:` do?


myfunction Thread # 2 2 lock Also what does args mean in this example python idioms python import share improve..

Simple Prime Generator in Python


you print out count when it didn't divide by x It doesn't mean it's prime it means only that this particular x doesn't divide.. when it didn't divide by x It doesn't mean it's prime it means only that this particular x doesn't divide it continue moves..

Creating a singleton in python


pythonic. In this instance I define 'most pythonic' to mean that it follows the 'principle of least astonishment' I have.. base classes using super because they will recurse. This means you can't customize __new__ and can't subclass a class that.. essentially decides what the definition of a class means and how to implement that definition. See for example http..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


of different types is strongly typed and the contrary means weakly typed. Therefore at some point I have felt prompted.. how to explain it. So my questions are What does it really mean for a language to be truly weakly typed Could you mention any.. 2012. Thanks for the great question What does it really mean for a language to be weakly typed It means this language uses..

These spectrum bands used to be judged by eye, how to do it programmatically?


args X projection Y fitfunc p1 X # Output the result print Mean values at p1 1 p1 4 # Plot the result from pylab import #subplot..

How to create a list of random integer vector whose sum is x


i in range int ListSize #Construction parameters for N Mean Variance Default is N 0 1 Mean 0 Var 1 #NormalDistro self.NormalDistributionFunction.. parameters for N Mean Variance Default is N 0 1 Mean 0 Var 1 #NormalDistro self.NormalDistributionFunction Mean Var.. Mean 0 Var 1 #NormalDistro self.NormalDistributionFunction Mean Var x for x in ZValues NormalDistro list for i in range len..

how to format an output in python?


b4 b3 0.2 b4 b3 Basic Statistics Min 0.963805 Max 0.658219 Mean 0.094306 Standard Deviation 0.131797 Spatial Statistics Lag..

beautifulsoup “list object has no attribute” error


'w' f.write Location t High Temp F t Low Temp F t Mean Humidity n eventually parse from http www.wunderground.com history..

Python OpenCV - Find black areas in a binary image


np.max img regionMask MinIntensity np.min img regionMask # Mean Intensity MeanIntensity np.mean img regionMask axis 0 # pixel.. MinIntensity np.min img regionMask # Mean Intensity MeanIntensity np.mean img regionMask axis 0 # pixel values PixelValues..