

python Programming Glossary: means

Local variables in Python nested functions


I know that running into these kind of problems usually means one is 'doing it wrong' but I'd like to understand what happens...

Python List Index


another variable you assign just the reference to it. This means that you can have two variables pointing to the same list in..

How can I explicitly free memory in Python?


complete list of vertices before I print out the triangles means that I have to hold the list of triangles in memory before I..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


the object will behave as though __str__ __repr__ . This means in simple terms almost every object you implement should have.. a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. This means that I do believe with religious fervor in logging. Logging.. up if you have enough information so eval repr c c that means you know everything there is to know about c . If that ™s easy..

Build a Basic Python Iterator


in python conform to the iterator protocol which basically means they provide two methods __iter__ and next . The __iter__ returns..

What do (lambda) function closures capture in Python?


to the integer object currently pointed to by i . That means that when i assigned a new integer object it shouldn't effect..

How do I determine the size of an object in Python?


which will be returned if the object type does not provide means to retrieve the size and would cause a TypeError . getsizeof..

Does python have an equivalent to Java Class.forName()?


end of the loop m will be a reference to the class. This means that m is actually the class itslef you can do for instance..

How to install pip on windows?


ways You can use it inside a virtual environment which means it is not installed system wide see thegauraw's answer below..

Setting the correct encoding when piping stdout in python


gets confused about encoding and sets it to None. This means a program like this # coding utf 8 print åäö will work fine..

Python's slice notation


is that start or end may be a negative number which means it counts from the end of the array instead of the beginning...

Simple Prime Generator in Python


when it didn't divide by x It doesn't mean it's prime it means only that this particular x doesn't divide it continue moves..

Creating a singleton in python


base classes using super because they will recurse. This means you can't customize __new__ and can't subclass a class that.. essentially decides what the definition of a class means and how to implement that definition. See for example http code.activestate.com.. only instance is created. You want to customize what it means to call the class which is decided by it's type. In general..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


people can point to as to why this sync happens what it means when it's useful and when it's okay to disable would be greatly..

How to get a reference to an instance method from a decorator


function for example widget.connect signal callback Means that the function callback will be run whenever the signal is..

Python relative imports for the billionth time


please tell me why Python gives that error message what it Means by non package why and how do you define a 'package' and the..

python packaging for relative imports (again sorry)


ValueError Attempted relative import in non package Means you attempt to use relative import in the module which is not..

`from x import y` vs. `from x.y import *`


any classes functions etc through the module namespace 2 Means you don't Here's a compare and contrast that shows the difference..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K Means Clustering Is it possible to specify your own distance function.. specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K Means Clustering If so how and where python machine learning cluster..

Which gps library would you recommend for python?


case are Calculating the heading between to points. Means I am at point a facing north to which degree do I have to turn..