

python Programming Glossary: meaningful

Why is if not someobj: better than if someobj == None: in Python?


not already one. Roughly we are asking the object are you meaningful or not This is done using the following algorithm If the object..

can I use expect on windows without installing cygwin?


sendeof are unimplemnted at this time as I could not find meaningful Windows versions of these functions. additionally consoles do..

BaseException.message deprecated in Python 2.6


__str__ and __repr__ are already implemented in a meaningful way especially for the case of only one arg that can be used..

default value of parameter as result of instance method


below . If you don't forsee the need to pass None as a meaningful argument to your methods I would advocate using that. share..

Python string 'join' is faster(?) than '+', but what's wrong here?


O's never worse than N So for the rest of us here's a more meaningful and interesting set of measurements python mtimeit s'r str x..

Text difference algorithm


and even better can compute their difference in a meaningful way like two similar files should have a similarity score higher..

Can't set attributes of object class


flexibility you gain a lot of bytes per instance probably meaningful only if you have zillions of instances gallivanting around but..

Get timer ticks in Python


is smallerĀ¹ than the wall time i.e. time.time t0 is more meaningful when benchmarking code # linux t0 time.clock do_something t..

Find unique rows in numpy.array


Python: Difference between class and instance attributes


between class and instance attributes Is there any meaningful distinction between class A object foo 5 # some default value..

How to convert a Date string to a DateTime object?


that lets me compare it to datetime 2009 04 01 in a meaningful way. Surely there must be some built in method. I mean if I.. question Since the string is in ISO format it can be meaningfully compared directly with the ISO format version of the datetime..

List filtering: list comprehension vs. lambda + filter


How do you return multiple values in Python?


abstract identifiers. As pointed out in practice you'd use meaningful identifiers Now we have a mechanism whereby we can project out..

What is the difference between encode/decode?


sets and thus can be applied to 8 bit strings in a meaningful way s.encode 'zip' 'x x9c xbc r x00 x02 x01z' You are right..

How can I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc (blockproc) function


block view to 2D array. No error checking made. Therefore meaningful as implemented only for blocks strictly compatible with the..

“Private” (implementation) class in Python


class used by the above functions but which is not meaningful outside the module. At first I decided to hide this implementation..

Matplotlib - label each bin


I'd like to make the x axis labels a bit more meaningful. Firstly the x axis ticks here seem to be limited to five ticks...

The tilde operator in Python


x invert ~x invert Any class in which it is meaningful to have a complement or inverse of an instance that is also.. ex ' xff' do not support this operator even though it is meaningful to invert all the bits of a byte string. share improve this..