

python Programming Glossary: memoryerror

Reading rather large json files in Python [duplicate]


print datetime.now Not too surprisingly Python gives me a MemoryError. It appears that json.load calls json.loads f.read which is..

Sorting text file by using Python


element. I couldnt use split function. Because it causes MemoryError. how can i manage it python sorting share improve this question..

Parsing xml to pandas data frame throws memory error


el_data from pandas import perf DataFrame data perf MemoryError Traceback most recent call last ipython input 6 08c8c74f7192.. lib.so in pandas.lib.dicts_to_array pandas lib.c 7657 MemoryError I have 12960 values of value in my xml file. I assume that these..

Numpy, problem with long arrays


is that my input arrays are long. And meshgrid gives me MemoryError when I use inputs with 2^13 elements. I would like to calculate..

Limit Python VM memory


the Java VM does. The idea is to be able to play with the MemoryError exception I'm not sure this option exist but there may be a..

Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop


line 1402 in t ransform return affine_transform points mtx MemoryError Could not allocate memory for path This happens on iteration..

Memory error due to the huge input file size


file data.txt .read .split n I have the following error MemoryError the file size is ls l rw r r 1 charlie charlie 1258467201 Sep..

Speed up bitstring/bit operations in Python?


up to 1 000 000 000. flags False False True limit 2 MemoryError As you can imagine allocating 1 billion boolean values 1 byte..

Interpolation over an irregular grid


. I've also tried scipy.interpolate.interp2d but I get a MemoryError my grids are about 400x400 . Is there any sort of slick preferably..

Memory errors and list limits in python


my_file.py line 247 in module ListTemp.append calculus MemoryError exemple of calculus results 9.233747520008198e 102 yes it's..

Python ctypes MemoryError in fcgi process from PIL library


ctypes MemoryError in fcgi process from PIL library I'm trying to run Django on.. interactive shell but in my fcgi process it crashes with a MemoryError at from PIL import image. Any help on why it might be failing..

Python running out of memory parsing XML using cElementTree.iterparse


Python crashing spectacularly. At least it gives me a MemoryError depending on what else I am doing in the loop it gives me more..

Why do I get a MemoryError with itertools.product?


do I get a MemoryError with itertools.product I would expect the following snippet.. most recent call last File stdin line 1 in module MemoryError Instead I get a MemoryError . But I thought that itertools.product.. File stdin line 1 in module MemoryError Instead I get a MemoryError . But I thought that itertools.product did not store the intermediate..

Python out of memory on large CSV file (numpy)


for i line in enumerate itertools.chain first_line fhd MemoryError I think it's just an out of memory error. I am running a 64bit..