

python Programming Glossary: meets

Pythonic way to determine whether not null list entries are 'continuous'


None items. For example the list None None 1 2 3 None None meets my requirements for continuous integer entries. By contrast..

Text file creation issue where new lines created when not really EOL


automatically to maintain data in the same row until it meets an escape new character As this site doesn't allow attachments..

Elegant setup of Python logging in Django


potentially misconfigured logging . Doing it this way meets your stated requirements You can set up different log handlers..

Why program functionally in Python?


generator expressions or itertools is even better. reduce meets the legal definition of attractive nuisance ... it's hardly..

Why “is” keyword has different behavior when there is dot in the string?


object identity and any implementation of Python when it meets literal of immutable types is perfectly free to either make..

Simple multilingual CMS?


text content but I couldn't find solution that meets my needs. From my experience I suggest to use Django CMS it..

Is there a good NumPy clone for Jython?


here these should all be usable from Jython. Which one meets your requirements depends on what you're doing with numpy I..

Python list function argument names [duplicate]


Why use Abstract Base Classes in Python?


EAFP or introspection to confirm that the unknown object meets this expected contract. But there are also higher level semantic..

Python - get position in list


a list and I want to print out the index of the item if it meets a certain condition. How would I do this Example testlist 1..

Python 3 IDE for teaching


python 3.x ide share improve this question Komodo Edit meets most of your requirements as others mentioned in the comments..

Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) in Python


Regular Expressions in how it approaches things. It meets or exceeds the UTS#18 Level 1 requirements in most if not all.. Python ™s current re library the awesome regex library also meets the Level Two requirements for RL2.5 Named Characters N .....