

python Programming Glossary: mem

How to write a Perl, Python, or Ruby program to change the memory of another process on Windows?


to write a Perl Python or Ruby program to change the memory of another process on Windows I wonder if Perl Python or.. write a program so that it will look for 0x12345678 in the memory of another process probably the heap for both data and code.. like that on Windows. python ruby perl winapi readprocessmemory share improve this question I initially thought this..

Python subprocess.Popen erroring with OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory after period of time


erroring with OSError Errno 12 Cannot allocate memory after period of time Note This question has been re asked.. line 835 in _get_handles OSError Errno 12 Cannot allocate memory However the output of free on the server is free m total.. if self.agentConfig 'debugMode' and sys.platform 'linux2' mem subprocess.Popen 'free' ' m' stdout subprocess.PIPE .communicate..

Python: How to read huge text file into memory


How to read huge text file into memory I'm using Python 2.6 on a Mac Mini with 1GB RAM. I want.. I could do the sorting without reading the whole file into memory. But I thought for a file of 500MB I should still be able.. for a file of 500MB I should still be able to do it in memory since I have 1GB available. However when I try to read in..

when does Python allocate new memory for identical strings?


does Python allocate new memory for identical strings Two Python strings with the same characters.. Two Python strings with the same characters a b may share memory id a id b or may be in memory twice id a id b . Try ab ab.. characters a b may share memory id a id b or may be in memory twice id a id b . Try ab ab print id ab id a b Here Python..

Why doesn't memory get released to system after large queries (or series of queries) in django?


doesn't memory get released to system after large queries or series of queries.. is not growing and growing until it uses up all of memory. Lets start off with the fact that I've loaded the User table.. curl http localhost 8000 leak The runserver process' memory grows to around the size seen from ps aux output below and..

Python subprocess.Popen erroring with OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory after period of time


server is free m total used free shared buffers cached Mem 894 345 549 0 0 0 buffers cache 345 549 Swap 0 0 0 I have.. self self.checksLogger.debug 'getProcesses start' # Memory logging case 27152 if self.agentConfig 'debugMode' and sys.platform.. 'getProcesses Popen success parsing' # Memory logging case 27152 if self.agentConfig 'debugMode' and sys.platform..

Python subprocess.Popen “OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory”


crashed is free m total used free shared buffers cached Mem 894 345 549 0 0 0 buffers cache 345 549 Swap 0 0 0 The server.. instance on the same server as you running amock. Memory wise we already know that subprocess.Popen uses fork clone..

Python - get process names,CPU,Mem Usage and Peak Mem Usage in windows


get process names CPU Mem Usage and Peak Mem Usage in windows I am wanting to get a list.. get process names CPU Mem Usage and Peak Mem Usage in windows I am wanting to get a list of all the process.. I am wanting to get a list of all the process names CPU Mem Usage and Peak Mem Usage. I was hoping I could use ctypes. but..

Stop reading process output in Python without hang?


s 9.3 us 3.8 sy 0.1 ni 85.9 id 0.9 wa 0.0 hi 0.0 si 0.0 st Mem 1992828k total 1849456k used 143372k free 233048k buffers Swap..

Extracting a URL in Python


python - memory not being given back to kernel


_x86_64_ 4 CPU 01 05 20 PM PID minflt s majflt s VSZ RSS MEM Command 01 05 20 PM 5360 0.44 0.00 44768 9180 0.11 python .. _x86_64_ 4 CPU 01 05 21 PM PID minflt s majflt s VSZ RSS MEM Command 01 05 21 PM 5360 8.95 0.00 318656 279120 3.49 python.. _x86_64_ 4 CPU 01 05 29 PM PID minflt s majflt s VSZ RSS MEM Command 01 05 29 PM 5360 40.23 0.00 499984 460480 5.77 python..

Stop reading process output in Python without hang?


free 1122780k cached PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU MEM TIME COMMAND 31735 Barakat 20 0 246m 52m 20m S 19.4 2.7 13 54.91..

Why doesn't memory get released to system after large queries (or series of queries) in django?


output below and then stays at that level. USER PID CPU MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND dlamotte 25694 11.5 34.8..

Memory profiler for numpy


using about 5GB of RAM PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU MEM TIME COMMAND 16994 aix 25 0 5813m 5.2g 5.1g S 0.0 22.1 52 19.66..

Splitting out the output of ps using Python


with multiple columns for each stat. e.g. USER PID CPU MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND ... postfix 22611 0.0 0.2..

Python: garbage collection fails?


of the output of top PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU MEM TIME COMMAND 5478 moooeeeep 20 0 2397m 2.3g 3428 S 0 29.8 0..