

python Programming Glossary: meaning

Why is if not someobj: better than if someobj == None: in Python?


not already one. Roughly we are asking the object are you meaningful or not This is done using the following algorithm If the.. to check for identity only when using sentinel values None meaning not initialized for a member field for exemple or when using..

Python @classmethod and @staticmethod for beginner?


Python I need some help could someone explain to me the meaning of @classmethod and @staticmethod I need to know not only the.. I need to know not only the difference but also the meaning. I've read through some documentation but I literally could..

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python


meaning of a single and a double underscore before an object name in.. up once and for all. Can someone please explain the exact meaning of having leading underscores before an object's name in Python.. a single and a double leading underscore. Also does that meaning stay the same whether the object in question is a variable a..

Proper way to declare custom exceptions in modern Python?


Python 2.6 It seems crazy that BaseException has a special meaning for attributes named message . I gather from PEP 352 that attribute.. . I gather from PEP 352 that attribute did have a special meaning in 2.5 they're trying to deprecate away so I guess that name..

How can I auto-populate a PDF form in Django/Python?


output output.pdf flatten and a filled out flattened meaning that there are no longer editable form fields pdf will be in..

Python: Difference between class and instance attributes


between class and instance attributes Is there any meaningful distinction between class A object foo 5 # some default value.. the two styles When you read the code do you consider the meaning of the two styles to be significantly different python attributes..

What exactly do “u” and “r”string flags in Python, and what are raw string litterals?


for a string literal in which a backslash is taken as meaning just a backslash except when it comes right before a quote that..

In Python, what does it mean if an object is subscriptable or not?


In other words it describes objects that are containers meaning they contain other objects. This includes lists tuples and dictionaries...

Which is faster in Python: x**.5 or math.sqrt(x)?


Now the math.sqrt function is directly in a local argument meaning it has the fastest lookup possible. UPDATE The python version..

How do you return multiple values in Python?


abstract identifiers. As pointed out in practice you'd use meaningful identifiers Now we have a mechanism whereby we can project.. that the same attribute will always have the same meaning. So how do you return multiple values in Python python coding..

UnicodeDecodeError when redirecting to file


to an implementation detail than to their conceptual meaning. This name comes from the fact that they are restricted to Unicode..

Underscore in Python [duplicate]


_ as variable name in Python 3 answers What is the meaning of _ after for in this code if tbh.bag n 0 for _ in tbh.bag.atom_set..

reverse a string in Python


right thing Negative numbers for begin end and step have meaning For begin and end if you give a negative number it means to..

Immutable vs mutable types - Python


to be immutable because of the class structure hierarchy meaning float is at the top of the class and is its own method call...

Python - time.clock() vs. time.time() - accuracy?


The precision and in fact the very definition of the meaning of ``processor time'' depends on that of the C function of the..

Adding a Method to an Existing Object


what would happen if defined within the class definition meaning you have to call class.patch class instead of just class.patch..

Parsing Meaning from Text


Meaning from Text I realize this is a broad topic but I'm looking for..

Python multiprocessing shared memory


lists but would instead just share them with the parent. Meaning that the program would take 16GB of RAM regardless of how many..

Trouble trying to dynamically add methods to Python class (i.e. django-tables2 'Table')


with your own attributes while setting the base class. Meaning you get to describe the fields you want as a blueprint to your..

PyQt and MVC-pattern


between the View and the controller many to 1. Meaning that is you have 5 ways to change something in the gui have..

Call Ruby or Python API in C# .NET


that libraries like IronPython do the opposite of this. Meaning they allow Python to utilize .NET objects but not the reciprocal..

Searching values of a list in another List using Python


using Python I'm a trying to find a sublist of a list. Meaning if list1 say 1 5 is in list2 say 1 4 3 5 6 than it should return..

How to get current_app for using with reverse in multi-deployable reusable Django application?


the currently active app instance namespace in your views. Meaning you have to find out which app instance is active and pass it..

Python regex - r prefix


C. The recognized escape sequences are Escape Sequence Meaning Notes newline Ignored Backslash ' Single quote ' Double quote..

Extract images from PDF without resampling, in python?


images from a pdf document at native resolution and format Meaning extract tiff as tiff jpeg as jpeg etc. and without resampling..

Why is '\x' invalid in Python?


and their meanings in the documentation . Escape Sequence Meaning Notes xhh Character with hex value hh 4 5 Notes 4. Unlike in..

Django: Meaning of leading underscore in list of tuples used to define choice fields?


Meaning of leading underscore in list of tuples used to define choice..

Parsing GPS receiver output via regex in Python


bear in mind that any one of these area's may be empty. Meaning there will be just two commas right next to each other. Such..

How to sort (list/tuple) of lists/tuples?


7 8 9 And I want to sort by the 2nd element in the subset. Meaning sorting by 2 5 8 where 2 is from 1 2 3 5 is from 4 5 6 . What..

Validating a yaml document in python


Why is it not possible to create a practical Perl to Python source code converter?


that will compile differently every time it is run. Meaning that one Perl program could map to an infinite number of Python..

ctypes - Beginner


did the ctypes tutorial on python.net and it doesn't work. Meaning I'm thinking they are assuming I should be able to fill in the..

Subset sum Problem


as someone pointed out this problem is indeed NP Complete. Meaning every known exact algorithm has an exponential time behavior.. has an exponential time behavior on the size of the input. Meaning if you can process 1 operation in .01 nanosecond then for a..

How to read large file, line by line in python


The purpose is to calculate pair wise string similarity. Meaning for each line in file I want to calculate levenshtein distance..

what does a double colon followed by an equals sign (::=) mean in programming documentation?


It symbolizes 'symbol derivation rule' in Backus “Naur Form Meaning that in symbol __expression__ nonterminal symbol consists of..