

python Programming Glossary: mayavi

installing Mayavi with pip - no module named vtk


to install Mayavi with the following command pip install mayavi But the following error occurs Downloading unpacking mayavi.. But the following error occurs Downloading unpacking mayavi Running setup.py egg_info for package mayavi build_src building.. unpacking mayavi Running setup.py egg_info for package mayavi build_src building extension tvtk.array_ext sources building..

installing Mayavi with pip - no module named vtk


Mayavi with pip no module named vtk I want to use Mayavi. Situation.. Mayavi with pip no module named vtk I want to use Mayavi. Situation I use a MacBook Air with OSX 10.7.3. I use Python.. can import vtk without any error. Problem I try to install Mayavi with the following command pip install mayavi But the following..

Enthought Canopy Mayavi font size bug


Canopy Mayavi font size bug The font size setting in Enthough Canopy Mayavi.. font size bug The font size setting in Enthough Canopy Mayavi mlab appears to be broken. Neither the command mlab.axes.label_text_property.font_size.. bug report with Enthought but it looks like a more general Mayavi bug see Does Mayavi Font Size text property work python enthought..

Any easy way to plot a 3d scatter in Python that I can rotate around?


applying a PCA to the iris dataset 1. mayavi 2. matplotlib Mayavi makes it easier to visualize the data but MatPlotLib looks more..

Python distributions and environments for scientific computing


Matplotlib SciPy and if you are doing 3d plotting then Mayavi VTK . These modules all depend on Numpy. Numpy Implements a.. itself along with useful modules including SciPy and Mayavi VTK and with the exception of Enthought also include Spyder...

how to plot a streamlines , when i know u and v components of velocity(numpy 2d arrays), using a plotting program in python?


isn't too hard and you won't be able to get vector output. Mayavi tvtk and mlab provide pythonic wrappers for VTK. It has lots..

3D Contour plot from data using Mayavi / Python


Contour plot from data using Mayavi Python I would like to do a 3D contour plot using Mayavi in.. Mayavi Python I would like to do a 3D contour plot using Mayavi in exactly the same way as the third figure on this page a hydrogen..