

python Programming Glossary: mechanize.browser

Convert gzipped data fetched by urllib2 to HTML


use mechanize to read gzipped web page as below br mechanize.Browser br.set_handle_gzip True response br.open url data response.read..

How to add cookie to existing cookielib CookieJar instance in Python?


make_cookie and set_cookie weren't clear enough for me. br mechanize.Browser cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj python cookies.. to figure this out import mechanize import cookielib br mechanize.Browser cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj ck cookielib.Cookie..

import mechanize module to python script


share improve this question The mechanize main page says mechanize.Browser is a subclass of mechanize.UserAgentBase which is in turn a..

Python Auto Fill with Mechanize


site and download a page for example import mechanize br mechanize.Browser br.open 'http www.yourfavoritesite.com' br.select_form nr 0..

Encoding problem downloading HTML using mechanize and Python 2.6


downloading HTML using mechanize and Python 2.6 browser mechanize.Browser page browser.open url html page.get_data print html It shows..

Submitting a form in mechanize


form on the page that follows the first . I have browser mechanize.Browser browser.set_handle_robots False browser.open 'https www.example.com..

Python mechanize login to website


hopefully you get the idea . import mechanize self.browser mechanize.Browser self.browser.open self.url self.browser.select_form name login..

How can I log into a website using python?


this question Try with mechanize import mechanize br mechanize.Browser br.open 'https mog.com hp sign_in' br.select_form nr 0 br 'user..

Use mechanize to log into megaupload


import BeautifulSoup import html2text # Browser br mechanize.Browser # Cookie Jar cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj #..

Using Python and Mechanize to submit form data and authenticate


import mechanize import cookielib def main #Browser br mechanize.Browser # Cookie Jar cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj #.. import urllib import logging import sys def main br mechanize.Browser cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj br.set_handle_equiv..

Download all the links(related documents) on a webpage using Python


#Make a Browser think of this as chrome or firefox etc br mechanize.Browser #visit http stockrt.github.com p emulating a browser in python..

Screenscaping aspx with Python Mechanize - Javascript form submission


url 'http ratings.food.gov.uk QuickSearch.aspx q po30' br mechanize.Browser br.set_handle_robots False br.addheaders 'User agent' 'Mozilla..

How to properly use mechanize to scrape AJAX sites


self url import mechanize import cookielib br mechanize.Browser #Cookie Jar cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj #Browser..

Python Mechanize: how to select a dropdown list when two have the same name in web page?


from the latter one since it is optional. When I try br mechanize.Browser br.select_form name form br topics Internet I get mechanize._form.AmbiguityError.. there a way I can select a control based on its id using mechanize.Browser while retaining all the other form syntax Thanks python mechanize..

What should I do if socket.setdefaulttimeout() is not working?


now. Sample codes socket.setdefaulttimeout 150 MechBrowser mechanize.Browser Header 'User Agent' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en..

Using mechanize to login to a webpage


theurl 'http voyager.umeres.maine.edu Login' mech mechanize.Browser mech.open theurl mech.select_form nr 0 mech userid MYUSERNAME.. the robots.txt You must turn it off. Solution mech mechanize.Browser needs to be set before you call open mech.set_handle_robots..