

python Programming Glossary: member

Why is if not someobj: better than if someobj == None: in Python?


using sentinel values None meaning not initialized for a member field for exemple or when using the getattr or the __getitem__..

What is a “callable” in Python?


or is of a type that has a non null tp_call c struct member which indicates callability otherwise such as in functions methods..

Class method differences in Python: bound, unbound and static


between bound and unbound methods. Basically a call to a member function like method_one a bound function a_test.method_one..

overloading __init__ in python


__init__ in python Let's say I have a class that has a member called data which is a list. I want to be able to initialize..

Python: How to print a class or objects of class using print()?


print on a class object I would like to print its data members in a certain format. How to achieve this in Python If you are.. self ... return Test ... def __str__ self ... return member of Test ... t Test t Test print t member of Test The __str__.. self ... return member of Test ... t Test t Test print t member of Test The __str__ method is what happens when you print it..

Using try vs if in python


except TypeError pass Related discussion Checking for member existence in Python python share improve this question ..

Method Resolution Order (MRO) in new style Python classes


of its subclasses so that overrides i.e. C's override of member x actually work sensibly. It's one of the reasons that old style..

Why do attribute references act like this with Python inheritance?


instances of your class so that instances with the same member values can be shared assuming they are supposed to be immutable..

how to check file size in python?


improve this question Use os.stat and use the st_size member of the resulting structure import os statinfo os.stat 'somefile.txt'..

Python - merge items of two lists into a list of tuples


tuples from list_a and list_b list_c 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Each member of list_c is a tuple whose first member is from list_a and the.. 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Each member of list_c is a tuple whose first member is from list_a and the second is from list_b. python list tuples..

What is the Python equivalent of static variables inside a function?


d n counter specifically how does one implement the static member at the function level as opposed to the class level And does..

How do you return multiple values in Python?


have a mechanism whereby we can project out a particular member of the returned object. For example result 'y0' However there..

How do you remove duplicates from a list in Python whilst preserving order?


Python Class Decorator


a class Specifically I want to use a decorator to add a member to a class and change the constructor to take a value for that.. class and change the constructor to take a value for that member. Looking for something like the following which has a syntax..

Static class variables in Python


C and Java but not so different from C# where a static member can't be accessed using a reference to an instance. See what..

Python: Is explicitly closing files important?


How do I correctly clean up a Python object?


Python doesn't guarantee the existence of global variables member data in this context when __del__ is invoked. If that is the..

mechanize (python) click on a javascript type link


border 0 src .. .. App_Themes default images Member btn_loginenter.gif align absmiddle style border width 0px a..

Include intermediary (through model) in responses in Django Rest Framework


example models.py from django.db import models class Member models.Model name models.CharField max_length 20 groups models.ManyToManyField.. 20 groups models.ManyToManyField 'Group' through 'Membership' class Group models.Model name models.CharField max_length.. models.Model name models.CharField max_length 20 class Membership models.Model member models.ForeignKey 'Member' group models.ForeignKey..

Can I use JSON data to add new objects in Django?


Date 1 13 13 6 00 Lets say that I have a model called Member. How can I create members from this JSON data instead of having.. is a 2 model version of the data. Namely every Member has a related object called Data that carries most of the variables... date are the only variables that are actually within the Member object. All others are part of the Data object This is my model..

Query with paging by cursor causes error because of limitations for “IN filter” in cursor() method… What should be the alternative?


microblogging system by using the following models class Member db.Model user db.UserProperty required True follower_count db.IntegerProperty.. True posted_by db.ReferenceProperty reference_class Member required True collection_name posted_items posted_on db.DateTimeProperty.. db.Model member db.ReferenceProperty reference_class Member required True collection_name followings followed_member db.ReferenceProperty..

Parse HTML using Python and Beautiful Soup


class profile row clearfix div class profile row header Member Since div div class profile information January 2010 div div.. has the same class but they have different variables like Member Since AIGA Chapter etc. before hand. How can I search for Member.. Since AIGA Chapter etc. before hand. How can I search for Member Since and then get January 2010. And do the same for the other..

Flask-SQLAlchemy import/context issue


import SQLAlchemy db SQLAlchemy current_app class Member db.Model # fields here pass But if I try and import that model.. flaskext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy db SQLAlchemy class Member db.Model # fields here pass And then in your application setup.. from apps.shared.models import db class Member db.Model # TODO Implement this. pass # apps.reporting.members..