

python Programming Glossary: implicit

Why does “[] == False” evaluate to False when “if not []” succeeds?


everything in a Boolean context it is like there is an implicit call to the bool built in function. Here is how you would actually..

Should you always favor xrange() over range()?


sample usages of range and xrange RefactoringTool Skipping implicit fixer buffer RefactoringTool Skipping implicit fixer idioms.. Skipping implicit fixer buffer RefactoringTool Skipping implicit fixer idioms RefactoringTool Skipping implicit fixer ws_comma.. Skipping implicit fixer idioms RefactoringTool Skipping implicit fixer ws_comma range_test.py original range_test.py refactored..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


no warnings . Compare this to the explicit is better than implicit alternative... blah.format name name There none of the maintenance..

What is the purpose of the colon before a block in Python?


based on the EIBTI Python koan explicit is better than implicit I believe that Guido deliberately made the colon obligatory..

The Zen of Python [closed]


Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated...

What is the difference between encode/decode?


3 it is completely gone. unicode .decode will perform an implicit encoding of s using the default ascii codec. Verify this like.. For str .encode it's the other way around it attempts an implicit decoding of s with the default encoding s 'ΓΆ' s.decode 'utf..

Is there a way to detach matplotlib plots so that the computation can continue?


interactive mode plot 1 2 3 # result shows immediatelly implicit draw print 'continue computation' # at the end call show to..

How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?


'3' '4' '5' Note that the style guide says that using the implicit continuation with parentheses is preferred but in this particular..

Best way to check if a list is empty


this question if not a print List is empty Using the implicit booleanness of the empty list is quite pythonic. share improve..

Creating a singleton in python


say singletons are bad the most common reason is they are implicit shared state . While with global variables and top level module..

Why do you need explicitly have the “self” argument into a Python method?


to quote Peters' Zen of Python. Explicit is better than implicit. In Java and C ' this. ' can be deduced except when you have..

Static methods in Python?


been clearer. Docs A static method does not receive an implicit first argument. To declare a static method use this idiom class..

Can Python modules have properties the same way that objects can?


afunction sys.modules __name__ _M Edited removed an implicit dependency on globals had nothing to do with the point of the..

Chain-calling parent constructors in python
