

python Programming Glossary: imaplib

Python read my outlook email mailbox and parse messages [duplicate]


that have been mentioned include email procmail and imaplib but what do the Python veterans here recommend for the kind.. you might be able to provide python outlook mapi win32com imaplib share improve this question At one company I worked we have.. kb 296387 4 http yuji.wordpress.com 2011 06 22 python imaplib imap example with gmail Sorry but I had to give the google urls..

Using python imaplib to “delete” an email from Gmail?


python imaplib to &ldquo delete&rdquo an email from Gmail Can you delete emails.. an email from Gmail Can you delete emails with imaplib If so how python email imap share improve this question ..

How to efficiently parse emails without touching attachments using Python


touching attachments using Python I'm playing with Python imaplib Python 2.6 to fetch emails from GMail. Everything I fetch an.. I fetch an email with method http docs.python.org library imaplib.html#imaplib.IMAP4.fetch I get whole email. I need only text.. with method http docs.python.org library imaplib.html#imaplib.IMAP4.fetch I get whole email. I need only text part and also..

Forwarding an email with python smtplib


I've got the downloading and parsing of messages using imaplib and email working but I can't figure out how to forward an entire.. one and re send it Here's what I have so far client is an imaplib.IMAP4 connection and id is a message ID import smtplib imaplib.. connection and id is a message ID import smtplib imaplib smtp smtplib.SMTP host smtp_port smtp.login user passw client..

Python - How can I fetch emails via POP or IMAP through a proxy?


emails via POP or IMAP through a proxy Neither poplib or imaplib seem to offer proxy support and I couldn't find much info about.. way to achieve what I want seems to be dirty hacking of imaplib... would rather avoid it if I can. python proxy imap pop .. improve this question You don't need to dirtily hack imaplib. You could try using the SocksiPy package which supports socks4..

How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail?


improve this question Hard one import email getpass imaplib os detach_dir '.' # directory where to save attachments default.. your password # connecting to the gmail imap server m imaplib.IMAP4_SSL imap.gmail.com m.login user pwd m.select Gmail All.. in it before m.select the mailbox name to avoid this error imaplib.error command SEARCH illegal in state AUTH only allowed in states..

Move an email in GMail with Python and imaplib


an email in GMail with Python and imaplib I want to be able to move an email in GMail from the inbox.. from the inbox to another folder using Python. I am using imaplib and can't figure out how to do it. python gmail imap imaplib.. and can't figure out how to do it. python gmail imap imaplib share improve this question There is no explicit move command..

Securely Erasing Password in Memory (Python)


raw_input 'User name ' password getpass.getpass mail imaplib.IMAP4 MAIL_HOST mail.login username password After calling the.. the trailing newline off of the inputted password by the imaplib module when it quotes the password and then creates the complete..

Check unread count of Gmail messages with Python


email gmail pop3 share improve this question import imaplib obj imaplib.IMAP4_SSL 'imap.gmail.com' '993' obj.login 'username'.. pop3 share improve this question import imaplib obj imaplib.IMAP4_SSL 'imap.gmail.com' '993' obj.login 'username' 'password'..