

python Programming Glossary: img

OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python


what it says in the documentation. Python cv2.SURF.detect img mask keypoints¶ Python cv2.SURF.detect img mask descriptors.. cv2.SURF.detect img mask keypoints¶ Python cv2.SURF.detect img mask descriptors useProvidedKeypoints keypoints descriptors.. matching import cv2 import numpy as np # Load the images img cv2.imread 'messi4.jpg' # Convert them to grayscale imgg cv2.cvtColor..

How to download image using requests


python's requests module. Here is the working code I used img urllib2.urlopen settings.STATICMAP_URL.format data with open.. data with open path 'w' as f f.write img.read Here is the new non working code using requests r requests.get.. settings.STATICMAP_URL.format data if r.status_code 200 img r.raw.read with open path 'w' as f f.write img Can you help..

Django: add image in an ImageField from image url


like this from myapp.models import Photo import urllib img_url 'http www.site.com image.jpg' img urllib.urlopen img_url.. Photo import urllib img_url 'http www.site.com image.jpg' img urllib.urlopen img_url # Here I need to retrieve the image as.. img_url 'http www.site.com image.jpg' img urllib.urlopen img_url # Here I need to retrieve the image as the same way that..

Download image file from the HTML page source using python?


list urlparse.urlparse url for image in soup.findAll img print Image src s image filename image src .split 1 parsed 2..

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?


Python Django I have a string that is html encoded lt img class quot size medium wp image 113 quot style quot margin left.. 300 quot height quot 194 quot gt I want to change that to img class size medium wp image 113 style margin left 15px title..

In Python, how do I read the exif data for an image?


improve this question Try this from PIL import Image img Image.open 'img.jpg' exif_data img._getexif This should give.. question Try this from PIL import Image img Image.open 'img.jpg' exif_data img._getexif This should give you a dictionary.. from PIL import Image img Image.open 'img.jpg' exif_data img._getexif This should give you a dictionary indexed by EXIF numeric..

How can you make a vote-up-down button like in Stackoverflow?


life use case. The template div id answer_595 class answer img src vote_up.png class vote up div class score 0 div img src.. img src vote_up.png class vote up div class score 0 div img src vote_down.png class vote down Blah blah blah this is my.. blah this is my answer. div div id answer_596 class answer img src vote_up.png class vote up div class score 0 div img src..

Upload files in Google App Engine


Images . HTML code inside form form input type file name img Python code class Guestbook webapp.RequestHandler def post self.. self.request.get content avatar self.request.get img greeting.avatar db.Blob avatar greeting.put self.redirect '..

How do I include image files in Django templates?


image in my home directory and use this tag in my template img src home tony london.jpg The image doesn't display. If I save.. files stored. So your template will just have for example img src .. media foo.png And then you'll just make sure that directory..

Python: Sending Multipart html emails which contain embedded images


in the html. So for example if the body is something like img src .. path image.png img I would like to embed image.png into.. if the body is something like img src .. path image.png img I would like to embed image.png into the email and the src attribute.. msgText MIMEText ' b Some i HTML i text b and an image. br img src cid image1 br Nifty ' 'html' msgAlternative.attach msgText..

Using numpy.take for faster fancy indexing


I really liked your question. Without rearranging LUT or IMG the following solution worked timeit a np.take lut img axis.. not manage. Here are some ways to rearrange your LUT and IMG The following works if the indexes in IMG are from 0 255 for.. your LUT and IMG The following works if the indexes in IMG are from 0 255 for the 1st plane 256 511 for the 2nd plane and..

PYTHON: Replace SRC of all IMG elements using Parser


Replace SRC of all IMG elements using Parser Python Newbie. I am looking for a way.. I am looking for a way to replace the SRC attribute in all IMG tags not using Regular expressions. would like to use any out..

Why doesn't xpath work when processing an XHTML document with lxml (in python)?


html If I parse the document using lxml.html I can get the IMG with an xpath just fine root lxml.html.fromstring doc root.xpath.. However if I parse the document as XML and try to get the IMG tag I get an empty result tree etree.parse StringIO doc tree.getroot..

Extracting Embedded Images From Outlook Email


Inside the email source I see image source links like this IMG src cid zesjvqeqcb_chart_0 So.. is it possible to use this CID..

Django Admin Page missing CSS


admin media the folder was empty. So I copied the CSS IMG and JS folders from my Django installation into usr lib python2.6..

Python: Sending Multipart html emails which contain embedded images


msgText # We reference the image in the IMG SRC attribute by the ID we give it below msgText MIMEText '..