

python Programming Glossary: impl

Alembic --autogenerate producing empty migration


m Added user table INFO alembic.migration Context impl PostgresqlImpl. INFO alembic.migration Will assume transactional..

SQLAlchemy JSON as blob/text


down as blob text in a column using MySQL. Is there a simple way to convert this into a dict using python SQLAlchemy python.. types class JsonType types.MutableType types.TypeDecorator impl types.Unicode def process_bind_param self value engine return..

Python: Best way to check for Python version in a program that uses new language features?


new in 2.5 and with blocks new in 2.6 . I wrote a simple little interpreter version checker routine which is the first.. which pretty much require an expert to deduce that it is simply the case of running the wrong version of Python. I know how..

Merge and sync stdout and stderr?


subprocess class Stream object def __init__ self name impl self._name name self._impl impl self._buf '' self._rows def.. object def __init__ self name impl self._name name self._impl impl self._buf '' self._rows def fileno self Pass through for.. def __init__ self name impl self._name name self._impl impl self._buf '' self._rows def fileno self Pass through for file..

Tab completion in Python's raw_input()


the overall completion which makes the state logic a bit simpler. The path completion is in the _complete_path path method.. on its arguments. I'm sure the code could be further simplified but it should provide you a decent starting point import.. buffer line.append '' # resolve command to the implementation function cmd line 0 .strip if cmd in COMMANDS impl..

How to integrate SQLAlchemy and a subclassed Numpy.ndarray smoothly and in a pythonic way?


class NumpyType sa.types.TypeDecorator impl sa.types.LargeBinary def process_bind_param self value dialect.. reference `dto_numpy_objects` anymore. One solution is to implement a property that initalizes `ListView` on first access... to use the backref container_object also from MyNumpy implement it as a wrapper by adding the following method def __getattr__..