

python Programming Glossary: imap4

Python read my outlook email mailbox and parse messages [duplicate]


server IMAP . CHECK if you can connect using the protocols IMAP4 or POP3 Before exchange is buggy in this part please check this.. bug report too 3 Ok you are sure you can connect using IMAP4 or POP3 now fetch one message and parse it with beatiful soup..

When to use Tornado, when to use Twisted / Cyclone / GEvent / other


clients transport layer security SSH client and server IMAP4 ESMTP POP3 clients and servers DNS client and server HTTP client..

Using python imaplib to “delete” an email from Gmail?


share improve this question Use the store method of the IMAP4 object representing your connection to set the r' Deleted' flag..

Python - How can I fetch emails via POP or IMAP through a proxy?


method etc. You could probably do similar with the IMAP4_SSL. from imaplib import IMAP4 IMAP4_PORT from socks import.. do similar with the IMAP4_SSL. from imaplib import IMAP4 IMAP4_PORT from socks import sockssocket PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5.. do similar with the IMAP4_SSL. from imaplib import IMAP4 IMAP4_PORT from socks import sockssocket PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5..

What's so cool about Twisted?


client or server in most cases be it HTTP FTP SMTP POP3 IMAP4 DNS IRC MSN OSCAR XMPP Jabber telnet SSH SSL NNTP or one of..

Using email.HeaderParser with imaplib.fetch in python?


imaplib from email.parser import HeaderParser conn imaplib.IMAP4 'my.host.com' conn.login 'my@username.com' 'mypassword' conn.select.. can be passed as the second argument to fetch is in the IMAP4 spec http tools.ietf.org html rfc1730#section 6.4.5 share improve..