

python Programming Glossary: image_size

Rotate image and crop out black borders


image angle Rotates the given image about it's centre image_size image.shape 1 image.shape 0 image_center tuple np.array image_size.. image.shape 1 image.shape 0 image_center tuple np.array image_size 2 rot_mat np.vstack cv2.getRotationMatrix2D image_center angle.. image_center angle 1.0 0 0 1 trans_mat np.identity 3 w2 image_size 0 0.5 h2 image_size 1 0.5 rot_mat_notranslate np.matrix rot_mat..

Resize image maintaining aspect ratio AND making portrait and landscape images exact same size?


image Image.open F_IN image.thumbnail size Image.ANTIALIAS image_size image.size thumb image.crop 0 0 size 0 size 1 offset_x max size.. thumb image.crop 0 0 size 0 size 1 offset_x max size 0 image_size 0 2 0 offset_y max size 1 image_size 1 2 0 thumb ImageChops.offset.. 1 offset_x max size 0 image_size 0 2 0 offset_y max size 1 image_size 1 2 0 thumb ImageChops.offset thumb offset_x offset_y thumb.save..