

python Programming Glossary: implications

Sandboxing in Linux


users are untrusted which obviously has some huge security implications. So I need to create some kind of sandbox for the apps. At the..

Closing pyplot windows


your code to make it non blocking although this has other implications. EXAMPLE After our discussion in the comments I've put together..

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


Nested Function in Python


Function in Python What benefit or implications could we get with Python code like this class some_class parent_class..

How do I un-escape a backslash-escaped string in python?


takes a string and produces a string with no security implications python string escaping share improve this question print..

Deploying Django (fastcgi, apache mod_wsgi, uwsgi, gunicorn)


In general this doesn't matter too much but does have some implications. There are other differences but they arise more because mod_wsgi..

What are the implications of running python with the optimize flag?


are the implications of running python with the optimize flag I cannot seem to find..

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages


towards the abstract differences rather than the practical implications. Most of my programming experiences has been with CPython dynamic..

Which complements Python best: Java, C, or C++?


What values to use for FastCGI maxrequests, maxspare, minspare, maxchildren?


Don't just tell me what they do I want to understand what implications they have and how I should decide on what values to use. Thanks...

How is CPython's set() implemented?


this What sort of data structure does it use What other implications does that implementation have Every answer here was really enlightening..

Qt being now released under LGPL, would you recommend it over wxWidgets? [closed]


de facto standard. I am also interested about the possible implications this will have on their bindings with the most common scripting..

Execute arbitrary python code remotely - can it be done?


remotely executed. I'm also not interested in the security implications of running arbitrary code on remote servers let's just say that..

Advice for C# programmer writing Python [closed]


animal3 animal4 cow dog bird fish This has a lot of implications. While iterating on a multidimensional array you normally get..

Undesired list assignment behavior in python


Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


different implementations and think about the performance implications. Thanks again Edit 7 Tiny benchmark addendum and recap Hello..

sandboxing/running python code line by line


in this case python. Oh and BTW I know about the security implications of sandboxing code but I'm not trying to make a secure execution..