

python Programming Glossary: implements

Event system in Python


same but uses a set instead of a list to store the bag and implements __call__ which are both reasonable additions PyNotify is similar..

Find longest repetitive sequence in a string


so you would probably want to find a Python library that implements suffix trees for you before attempting this implementation...

What is cross browser support for JavaScript 1.7's new features? Specifically array comprehensions and the “let” statement


these features. EDIT According to wikipedia JavaScript 1.7 implements ECMAScript Edition 3 plus all JavaScript 1.6 enhancements plus..

Can python send text to the Mac clipboard


The other Mac module MacSharedClipboard.py in Listing 4 implements the clipboard interface on top of two command line programs..

Music Recognition and Signal Processing


I worked on the periphery of a cool framework that implements several Music Information Retrieval techniques. I'm hardly an..

In Python, what does it mean if an object is subscriptable or not?


improve this question It basically means that the object implements the __getitem__ method. In other words it describes objects..

How to properly subclass dict and override get/set


Well it's actually a class that subclass dict and implements a couple extra features. Anyway what I would like to do is subclass..

What is the fastest way to send 100,000 HTTP requests in Python?


2.6 and so far looked at the many confusing ways Python implements threading concurrency. I have even looked at the python concurrence..

Implementing the decorator pattern in Python


wondered if there is a way to write a decorator that just implements the function it wants to modify without writing boiler plate..

Which is faster in Python: x**.5 or math.sqrt(x)?


raw_input and timeout


and run the rest of the code. Then the code loops and implements the raw_input again. I also want it to break if the user inputs..

Understanding __get__ and __set__ and Python descriptors.


python's property type is implemented. A descriptor simply implements __get__ __set__ etc. and is then added to another class in its..

Making moves w/ websockets and python / django ( / twisted? )


Now lets get into the details of how django websocket implements the upgrading of the HTTP request in a django request response..

What is the __dict__.__dict__ attribute of a Python class?


calling __getattr__ . The __dict__ descriptor on the class implements the access to this dictionary. x.name is equivalent to trying..

What does the Python Ellipsis object do?


1 2 ... 0 Its interpretation is purely up to whatever implements the __getitem__ function and sees Ellipsis objects there but..

Django dynamic model fields


models based on syncdb and South hooks Django mutant implements fully dynamic Foreign Key and m2m fields. And is inspired by..

ImportError: No module named bz2 for Python 2.7.2


interface for the bz2 compression library. It implements a complete file interface one shot de compression functions..

How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++?


in the context of a larger C program which essentially implements main . I want to be able to write implementations of this interface..

Why does defining __getitem__ on a class make it iterable in python?


it says 1. An object can be iterated over with for if it implements __iter__ or __getitem__ . 2. An object can function as an iterator..